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一、引子广西罗城仫佬族自治县位于桂西北九万大山南缘,境内盛产葡萄。以生产山野葡萄酒享誉广西区内外的罗城山野葡萄酒有限责任公司(以下简称山野公司),是该县酒类产品的专业生产企业。山野公司生产的“青明山”牌(注册商标)山野葡萄酒、“仫佬窖”、“青明山”牌(注册商标)罗城米酒、“青明山”牌多功能食用调味酒(专利产品)、“山女梦”牌(注册商标)葡萄酒等系列产品畅销广西区内外。1997年5月,罗城县酿酒总厂(以下简称酿酒总厂)生产“心爽”牌(未注册)罗城米酒,取名和瓶贴装璜与山野公司的“青明山”牌“罗城米酒”名称、瓶贴装璜一模一样。于是,原告山野公司与被告酿酒总厂关于“罗城米酒”名称、及瓶贴装璜的讼争便在仫佬山乡展开了。 First, the primer Guangxi Luocheng Gelao Autonomous County is located in the southwest of Guangxi ninety thousand mountains south of the territory rich in grapes. The production of wild wines inside and outside the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region LuoCheng wild wines limited liability company (hereinafter referred to as wild companies), is the county’s professional production of alcoholic products. The “Qingming Mountain” brand (registered trademark) wild wine, the “Gelao Cellar”, the “Qingming Mountain” brand (registered trademark) Luo Shumi rice wine and the “Qingming Mountain” brand multifunctional food flavoring liquor (patent product) “Mountain Lady dream” brand (registered trademark) wine and other products sell well both inside and outside of Guangxi. In May 1997, Luo Chengxian Brewery General Factory (hereinafter referred to as Brewery) produced “Xin Shuang” brand (unregistered) Luo Cheng rice wine, named and bottled decoration and mountain company “Qing Ming Shan” card “Luo City rice wine ”name, bottle decoration exactly the same. As a result, the plaintiff and the defendant Wineries Winery Plant on the “Luo City rice wine,” the name, and the bottle decoration decorating the dispute in the mountain village started.
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从诞生到死亡  从黎明到黄昏到夜阑  在往返的词汇里  手指像北欧的冬夜  ——瑟瑟发抖  尽管 这条路途如此短暂  沿途的风景 不太纯净的空气  无法舍弃的卑俗  依然让人着迷——  苍茫和葳蕤  已知与未知的轮回残忍的宿命  顺着地理的纬度走向尽头  一只凡俗的鸟比我幸福  还有什么能够再次搅动我的心灵  理想主义  用闪电挑出身体里的毒物  用涂抹的红唇与世界进行可能的对白  忍住生活的淤青
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