Module 10 The weather Unit 1 It might snow教学设计

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  Target language
  1.Words & phrases
  cloud, shower, storm, temperature, joke, might, probably, cloudy, fall, shine, terrible,
  2.Key sentences
  What will the weather be like?
  And it’s cloudy too, so it might snow.
  It’ll probably be hot and sunny.
  Come on, better get going!
  Ability goals
  Enable students to listen to and talk about weather.
  Teaching important/difficult points
  The usage of may, might and probably.
  Teaching methods
  Task-based learning.
  Teaching aids
  A projector, some pictures and a tape recorder
  Teaching procedures and ways
  Step I : Lead-in
  Show some pictures to help students learn some new words about weather.
  Ask students to read the new words. Make sure they know the meaning of each word.
  Then ask them to do activity 1.
  Help students match the words with the symbols.
  Step II: Listening
  In this procedure, ask students to listen to the tape and check the correct information in the table. If the information is wrong, correct it.
  Step III Reading
  In this procedure, ask students to read the dialogue and do activity 5.
  T: Read the dialogue again and do activity 5. Check the answers. Let’s have a competition between boys and girls.
  Step IV Language points
  1. joke
  joke作动词, 意为"开玩笑"。
  (1) You’re joking!表示对某人所说的话表示不相信或惊讶, 也可以说“You must be joking! ”。
  (2)joke with sb. 意为“和某人开玩笑”。如:He often jokes with me.
  (3)joke about sth. 意為“就某事开玩笑”。如:Peter often jokes about my mistakes.
  joke还可作名词, 意为“笑话;玩笑”, 为可数名词。tell jokes意为“讲笑话”;make jokes about意为“取笑…”, 相当于laugh at。如:The teacher often tells jokes in class.
  2. probably
  probably是副词, 意为“很可能地;大概”,它所表示的可能性比较大, 表示有充分的依据、合乎情理或有望实现。如:
  It will probably clear up this afternoon.
  3. What … like …?
  What … like? 相当于how。如:
  — What’s the story like? (= How’s the story?) 这个故事怎么样?
  — It’s very interesting.
  4.better get going! 好了,走吧。
  better get going 相当于had better go,
  We’d better get going (= go now), or we’ll be late.
  Step V Pronunciation and speaking
  In this procedure, ask students to listen to the tape and help students find out the different connotation of different of intonation.
  After listening, ask students to read these sentences loudly and then decide if the speaker is asking a question or showing surprise.
  Check the answers.
  Ask students to work in pairs and give a forecast for China according to activity 2.
  T: In this lesson, we have learnt many different types of weather. We can use some words to describe the weather. Let’s report a weather forecast for China according to activity 2. Now work in pairs and make a weather forecast. We can use may, might, probably to describe something we are not very certain of.
  Ask some pairs to show their report before the class.
  One sample version:
  It’ll probably be cold tomorrow.
  Step VI Homework
  1.Ask the students to learn and remember the new words and expressions of this unit.
  2.Recite the dialogue.
  3.make up their new conversation according to the dialogue of unit 1.
十年弹指一挥间,刹那芳华尽释然,一不小心站在三尺讲台已十三载,但是作为班主任却刚刚步入第五个年头,显然班主任经验还不够丰富,离“专业”二字还差得远。但是作为班主任这四年多,边做边想边总结,也渐渐有了一点小心得。我想就纪律和心态两方面谈一下我的一些做法,只希望能给像我一样的班主任新手或者即将要加入到班主任行列中的同仁带来一点小小的启发。  先介绍一下我所任教的学校,一所公立普通高中中最普通的学校,学
摘要:在疫情背景下,微课作为网络教学模式下的另外一种重要途径,发挥了巨大的作用,其重要地位尤其凸显。微课较传统课堂来说更能吸引学生的注意力。所以在教育创新改革背景下,以网络微课为辅助课堂的形式,引发广大师生的共鸣与支持、这些新鲜元素,将会大大推进探索教学资源的开发与应用,推动教育信息化深入课堂教学改革,提高教育教学质量。  主题词:微课 手工制作  一、创造性微课如何创造  好微课=简单精湛的技术
一、教學重难点  重点:通过聆听乐曲《浏阳河》学习乐器古筝并对主题旋律进行学唱。  难点:学生在聆听的过程中,感受古筝的音色,并与二胡和琵琶进行对比记忆。结合哼唱和聆听,能基本分辨乐曲两个变奏的异同。  二、教学过程
一、教学内容分析  《直线与圆的位置关系》是北师大版高中数学教材必修2第二章解析几何初步第2节的内容,本节课是高三一轮复习第九章平面解析几何第四节内容,本节课主要针对学过的圆的标准方程和一般方程的运用,讨论直线和圆的位置关系。  二、学生情况分析  高三学生都在高一必修二部分学过本节知识,可是放的时间太长,遗忘的太多,而学生在对直线与圆的位置关系问题处理时,思维方法(几何法和代数法)在高一的时候就
指导思想与理论依据  英语课程标准明确指出:思维品质的发展有助于提升学生分析和解决问题的能力,通过梳理、概括信息,建构新概念,分析、推断信息的逻辑关系,正确评判各种思想观点,创造性地表达自己的观点具备多元思维的意识。  本课围绕Mike介绍Mr Brown展开,借助思维导图的帮助, 有逻辑的描述他人的穿着服饰,进行交流与分享。通过多样的语言操练活动,进一步地巩固学习介绍别人,在创设的贴近学生生活的
阅读书目:  九年级上册学生精读书目《水浒传》  指导主题:读中推进,以《横海郡柴进留宾 景阳冈武松打虎》回目为例教给学生阅读《水浒传》的方法。  一、书本简介  《水浒传》是我国第一部描写农民起义的长篇章回体小说,全书围绕“官逼民反”这一线索展开情节,表现了一群不堪暴政欺压的“好汉”揭杆而起,聚义水泊梁山,直至接受招安致使起义失败的全过程。这部小说最闪光的思想在于:它将封建统治者视为“盗贼草寇”