办好一个研究所,除了必需的物质条件外,还需要具有一定政治、技术和身体素质的最佳人员群体结构。这一结构的是否合理,是决定科研水平乃至成败兴衰的关键所存在。因此,探讨这方面的问题,对办好研究所有着十分重要的意义。 地方研究所人员群体结构怎样才是最佳,要想从数量上确定一个统一的比例关系,是很困难的。因各个研究所的规模、设备、任务和人员素质都不尽相同。
To run a research institute requires, in addition to the necessary material conditions, an optimal group structure of people with certain political, technical and physical qualifications. Whether this structure is reasonable or not is the key to determining the level of scientific research and even its success or failure. Therefore, exploring the issues in this respect is of great significance to the success of the research. It is very difficult to establish a unified proportional relationship between the number of local institutes and the structure of the staffing groups. Because of the size of each institute, equipment, tasks and personnel are not the same quality.