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2001年以来,山东省烟台市纪委、监察局以优化发展环境为着力点,每年都在全市开展一个专题整治活动。如2001年开展了“端正党风、优化环境、促进发展”教育整顿活动,2002年开展了“优化法纪环境,促进对外开放”专项整治活动。去年以来,为有效解决一些机关和部门中存在的服务态度 Since 2001, Yantai Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision Bureau of Shandong Province has focused on optimizing the development environment and has conducted a special rectification campaign every year in the city. For example, in 2001, the education rectification campaign of “Efforts to rectify the party style, optimize the environment and promote development” was carried out. In 2002, the special rectification activities entitled “Optimizing Law and Environment and Promoting Opening to the Outside World” were carried out. Since last year, in order to effectively solve some service agencies and departments in the attitude
We report on a target system supporting automated positioning of nano-targets with a precision resolution of 4 μm in three dimensions. It relies on a confocal
ZnO_(1-x)Te_x ternary alloys have great potential to work as a photovoltaic(PV) absorber in solar cells.ZnO_(1-x)S_x is also a ZnO based alloy that have uses in
山东莱阳市古柳街道办事处柳沟村左军虎(邮编:265200 电话:0535-7318231),去年投资3万元,引进墨西哥“米邦塔”食用仙人掌新品种,在当地引种成功。这种新型食用仙人掌可降血
92 cases of benign nodules of the thyroidgland were treated with“thyroid pill”com-pounded of 6 kinds of herbs.The result in 82cases(89.9%)was satisfactory.Ex
上海,曾经诞生的“亚洲和远东经济委员会”已经演变为“联合国亚太经社会”,而经过一个甲子的轮回,亚太经社会回到了“原点”上海,举行第60届年会。 4月22日至28日,800多名