
来源 :解放军生活 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lijiarose
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“十八岁,十八岁,我参军到部队……”伴着一曲悦耳的歌声,怀着满腔的热血和激情,我跟着老班长乘上北上的列车,几经周折,我终于被一位又黑又高的领导带到了新兵连。三声刺耳的哨音响过,又听见一个大嗓门儿吼了一声“开饭!”新兵连长带着我们来到饭堂,餐桌上放有两个与洗澡盆一般大的铝盆。连长说:“同志们,一路辛苦了!今天早餐自由选择,吃面条的站这边,吃水饺的站那边。”吃面条还是吃水饺呢?记得在家过生日时,母亲每次都要求我吃面条,好像是说吃面条能健康长寿。这是走进军营的第一顿早餐,于是我毫不犹豫地选择了吃面条,因为我希望自己将来在军营的路能走得长远些。如今我才明白,部队对吃饭也有点讲究,新兵入伍第一顿吃面条,意味 “At the age of eighteen, at the age of eighteen, I joined the army ...” accompanied by a sweet song, with full of passion and passion, I followed the old squad leader on the north train, after many setbacks, I finally was a Dark and tall leaders brought recruits. Three harsh whistle sounded, and heard a loud voice roar loudly, “the opening meal!” Recorder commander with us came to the canteen, the table is placed with two basins generally large aluminum basin. Commander said: “Comrades, all the way hard! Today’s free choice of breakfast, eat noodles stand here, eat dumplings stand there.” Eat noodles or eat dumplings? Remember at home birthday, the mother each request I eat noodles, it seems that eating noodles can be healthy and longevity. This is the first breakfast into the barracks, so I chose not to hesitate to eat noodles because I hope I can go a long way in the barracks. Now I understand that the troops also pay attention to eating a little bit, recruiting the first meal to eat noodles, which means
走进战土的心灵    在武警宁夏总队,每位新兵一入伍就会收到一份“与心相约”的联系卡,卡片上写着:“亲爱的战友人生漫漫,并非都是春花秋月,不顺心的事常有,希望在这段绿色人生的历程中我载着你们的一切烦忧与困惑驶向阳光地带。”这张联系卡是由第六届全军学习成才标兵武警宁夏总队的心理医生孙香萍发送给大家的,上面标明了她所开设的心理门诊的地址及咨询电话。  今年31岁的孙香萍,1997年从宁夏医学院毕业入伍
“兵者,诡道也。”孙子的这句至理名言,道出了战争中克敌制胜的法宝。“上兵伐谋、先谋后战、谋而后胜”是军事斗争领域的普遍真理。通过谋略,拥有优势的一方更能稳操 “S
导学案和教材一样,是课程资源,是适合学生实际的校本教材,是学生自主学习、合作探究的路线图。编写时要做到课时化、问题化、参与化、方法化、层次化、评价化。 Like the te
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当一件军服的人 才资源链包含两个院 士、两个博士、一个 高级工程师……你能想 到的也许不仅是这件军 服的科技流程,而是它 背后更为神秘的人才秘 密。当一个运行畅通的 人
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