花街·苦行僧·纽瓦丽式建筑 尼泊尔摄影手记

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慧能刚到五祖弘忍门下时,弘忍问慧能从何处来?来作什么?惠能答道:我从岭南来,来学作佛。弘忍笑道:岭南蛮夷之人也能学佛吗?慧能不卑不亢地说:人有南北之分,佛性也有南北之分吗?这一刻顿悟,建筑本身也有“东西”之分吗?在古老的东方神韵中,也有一种别样的华丽的美。这一次我们仿佛偶入荒落而美丽的尼泊尔的旅人,来去匆匆却也从容,因为与佛同在的城市一定是安宁祥和的城市。但愿山西的那些建筑宝贝,我们也终究不会错过。还有欧洲那恬静深远精美的建筑留在我们心中的那一抹风情。东方也罢,西方也罢,建筑的形态终究会摆脱来自结构的,地域的和惯性思维的束缚,我们只要在这样的建筑里面能找到和自己心灵相沟通的元素,又何来“东西”之分呢?——编者语 When Huineng arrived at the Wuzuhongmen, Hongnian asked Hui to come from? What can we do? Huineng replied: “I came from Lingnan to study Buddhism. Hongrong laughed and said: Lingnan barbarian who can learn Buddha? Hui can not humble to say: people have North and South, the Buddha also has the North-South points? At this moment of epiphany, the building itself also has ”things" in the points? Ancient oriental charm, there is a different kind of gorgeous beauty. This time, we seem to have come in a hurry and calm while visiting the lonely and beautiful Nepalese travelers because the city with the Buddha must be a peaceful city. I hope Shanxi those building baby, we will eventually not miss. There is still a touch of style in Europe that quiet and far-reaching exquisite architecture left in our hearts. Whether the East or the West is worth mentioning, the architectural form will eventually get rid of the shackles of structure, geography, and inertia, and we can find the elements that communicate with our hearts in such buildings Points? - Editor's Choice
霏霏秋雨,整个校园似乎伸展不开手脚。我腋下裹着全班的习作,穿过长廊躲进课堂。 Fall started fall, the entire campus seems to stretch not open hands and feet. I wra
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马小良各科成绩不错,惟有作文最令他头痛,平时挖空心思写出的作文,常常被老师打上“不具体”、“没新意”的标记。 Ma Xiaoliang good grades of all subjects, only the mo