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省委常委会在专题分析上半年经济社会形势时,明确了下半年各项任务举措,要求时不我待抓落实,实现全年经济高开稳走向好,确保社会和谐稳定,为“十二五”划上圆满句号。抓落实必须吃透精神、把准方向。首先要把习近平总书记在我省考察时的重要讲话精神学深悟透、吃准摸透,增强战略定力、决策定力、执行定力。对照总书记提出的“八个方面”重点任务进行认真梳理,把任务层层分解,落实到具体的责任人,落细到具体的时间节点。各地在编制“十三五”规划时,要围绕“八个方面”重点任务来展开,搞好统筹兼顾,做到登高远谋、谋定后动、动则见效。 During the special analysis of the economic and social situations in the first half of the year, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee made clear the various tasks and measures in the second half of the year, requested that it be implemented without any delay and that the annual economic growth should be stabilized and that social harmony and stability be maintained. “Draw a full stop. To grasp the implementation must be thoroughly absorbed in the spirit of the quasi-direction. First of all, it is necessary to thoroughly understand the spirit of the important speech made by General Secretary Xi Jinping in his inspection tour in our province, aiming thoroughly and thoroughly, strengthening strategic determination, making decisions, and enforcing strength. In accordance with the ”eight aspects“ proposed by the General Secretary, we should conscientiously sort out the tasks at different levels and implement them to the specific responsible persons and to the specific time points. When formulating the ”13th Five-Year Plan“, all localities should focus on the key tasks of ”eight aspects" and do a good job in overall planning and taking all factors into consideration.
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马修·古德曼和戴维·派克都是美国国际战略研究中心的研究人员。该书从决策层机制化这一角度出发,分析了中国的快速崛起以及经济转型阶段所面临的诸多挑战,并就美国如何影响中国的经济决策和改革进程向美国政府提出了12条具体建议。  作者认为,十八大以来,习近平重组了中国的经济决策机制,通过十八届三中全会设立中央全面深化改革领导小组,其在经济决策中表现出来了鲜明的特点:制定迅速且个性化的顶层决策机制,用强大的
The viscosities of a series of Cu–Ag melts in a temperature range from 1473 K to nearly liquid temperatures are measured by using an oscillating viscometer. At
阐述创意在艺术与设计中的重要意义,并通过意念与意象两方面进一步分析创意在艺术与艺术设计中所体现出的不同特征。 Explain the significance of creativity in art and d