凡是到意大利旅游的人,你不能不去著名的古城维罗纳(Verona),因为500多年前由著名的剧作家莎士比亚创作的悲剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》传遍欧美大陆,以后又通过电影、电视把这个催人泪下的故事向全世界播映,这个悲剧主人公的家乡维罗纳,便成为万千青年男女心目中的爱情圣地,游览悲剧主人公朱丽叶的故居,便成了青年人表白坚贞爱情的象征。 维罗纳的位置处在国际大都市米兰以东至水城威尼斯的中
For those who travel to Italy, you can not but go to the famous ancient city of Verona, because the tragedy Romeo and Juliet created by the famous playwright Shakespeare more than 500 years ago spread throughout Europe and the United States and later through movies, television To broadcast this tearful story to the world, Verona, the hometown of the tragedy protagonist, has become a sacred place of love for thousands of young men and women. Visiting the former home of the tragedy hero Juliet has become a symbol of young people expressing their love of love. Verona’s location in the cosmopolitan city of Milan east of Venice to the city