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军人典型在新时期的意义 军人典型呈现了军人在军事生活中特有的精神状态,也折射出特定的历史条件下人们所共同具有的精神特征。半个多世纪以来,我军涌现出一代代优秀人物和先进典型,从张思德、董存瑞到黄继光、邱少云,从雷锋、苏宁到李国安、李向群,在他们身上集中体现了我军的光荣传统和崇高的革命精神。这些优秀典型是一种精神承载,而军人典型报道,其实质是一种精神生产。“雷锋精神”、“好八连精神”教育了我们整个民族,教育了我们几代人;这些高尚的精神,其影响力和辐射力恒久不衰,穿越时空,超越国界,在世界范围内产生了一定的影响。 The typical military soldier’s significance in the new era The typical military soldier presents the unique mental state of the soldier in the military life and reflects the common mental characteristics of the people under certain historical conditions. For more than half a century, our army has emerged from generation to generation of outstanding figures and advanced models. From Zhang Dede, Dong Cunrui, Huang Jiguang and Qiu Shaoyun, from Lei Feng and Suning to Li Guoan and Li Xiangqun, they collectively embody the glorious traditions of our army and the lofty Revolutionary spirit. These excellent typical is a spiritual bearing, and the typical report of the military, its essence is a spiritual production. “Leifeng Spirit” and “Good Spirit of 8 Successors” have educated our entire nation and educated our generations; these noble spirits have their influence and radiation lasting everlasting across time and space, transcending national boundaries and producing them around the world A certain impact.
Objective:To explore the mechanism of all-transretinoic acid(ATRA) increasing retinoblastoma(RB) sensitivity to vincristine,and the inhibiting effect of vincris
Improvements in screening and preventive measures have led to an increased detection of early stage colorectal cancers(CRC) where patients undergo treatment wit
目的探讨彩色翻转图形视觉诱发电位(color pattern reversal visualevoked potential,CPR-VEP)在不同时间频率(Temporal Frequency,TF)和色彩刺激下对原发性青光眼(Primary Glauco
本文认为 ,新闻作品具有独特的审美价值 ,从内容上说 ,(一 )选取重大题材 ,反映波澜壮阔的生活。 (二 )宣传典型人物 ,弘扬时代主旋律。从形式上说 ,新闻作品采用 :(一 )多题
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