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Xcalibur软件可用于宽动态范围或多元像素图像处理。该软件用于UNIX工作站时,对图像格式、尺寸、复杂程度,或传感器类型没有要求。BDS系统公司研制的这种软件用途有遥测、军事情报作业和工业检验。 Xcalibur software can be used for wide dynamic range or multi-pixel image processing. When used with UNIX workstations, this software does not require image format, size, complexity, or sensor type. The software uses developed by BDS Systems include telemetry, military intelligence and industrial inspection.
Levels in the neutron-rich 105 Mo nucleus have been investigated by observing prompt γ-rays following the spon taneous fission fragments of 252 Cf with the Gam
GaAs absorber was grown at low temperature (550℃) by metal organic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD)and was used as an output coupler with which we realized Q
The spectral broadening with the bandwidth of 83nm (1.2486-1.3318μm) in the 1.3μm region is achieved in a 0.2-m-long, polarization-maintaining photonic crysta
We establish several dynamical equations for quantum information density. It is demonstrated that quantum information density shares the same formalism of the L
From discussion of the structure of liquid water, we deduce that water under ambient condition is mainly composed of ice Ih-like molecular clusters and clathrat
The strain fields in a wafer-bonded GaAs/GaN structure aFe measured by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD).Image quality (IQ) of EBSD Kikuchi pattes and rot
We study hard photon production in a chemically equilibrating quark-gluon plasma at finite baryon density based on the Jüttner distribution of partons of the s
We investigate the phase transition induced by small molecules in confined copolymer films by using density functional theory.It is found that the addition of s
The Bianchi type-Ⅲcosmological model for a cloud string with bulk viscosity are studied. To obtain a determinate solution, it is assumed that the coefficient o