
来源 :淮阴师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:junjiec
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八年抗战,我国马克思主义史家、进步史家群体经受了严酷的考验,他们怀着崇高的民族责任感,自觉地把学术工作与神圣的抗战事业紧密联系起来,因此形成抗战史坛爱国主义精神高涨的局面。陈垣是其中的典型代表。处于民族生死存亡的关头,他的学术思想实现了升华,由原先崇尚严密考证而达到明确地“提倡有意义之史学”。撰于1938至1940年的《明季滇黔佛教考》,即为一部激扬民族正气的名作,书中以大量新发掘的史实和精辟的议论表彰明末遗民以“逃禅”而坚守民族气节的高尚精神,藉此以斥日寇、斥汉奸。此书在当时给予坚持英勇斗争的抗日军民以有力的鼓舞,远在西南的陈寅恪为此书作序,表明二人志节相同、肝胆相照。陈垣本人自此一发不可收,继之又连续著成《清初僧诤记》、《南宋初河北新道教考》、《中国佛教史籍概论》、《通鉴胡注表微》等书,构成陈垣抗战史学系列,谱写了近代爱国主义史学的出色篇章。 During the eight-year war of resistance against Japan, our group of Marxist historians and progressive historians have withstood harsh tests. With their lofty sense of national responsibility, they conscientiously associate academic work with the sacred cause of the war of resistance. Therefore, the spirit of patriotism in the history of the war of resistance against Japan has risen situation. Chen Yuan is one of the typical representatives. At the moment of the nationality’s life and death, his academic thoughts realized the sublimation, from the original advocating rigorous research to achieve a clear “promotion of meaningful history.” The Buddhism Test of the Ming Dynasty Yunnan and Guizhou Province, which was written from 1938 to 1940, is a masterpiece of promoting national ethos. In the book, a large number of newly discovered historical facts and incisive arguments are used to honor the adherents of the “late Ming dynasty” for “escaping Buddhism.” The noble spirit of national integrity, to denounce the Japanese invaders, traitors. This book was strongly encouraged by the anti-Japanese army and people who persisted in the heroic struggle at that time. Chen Yin-ke, far away from the southwest, gave the preface to this book, indicating that they share the same aspirations and treat one another with all courageous intentions. Since then, Chen Yuan himself can not accept this book, and then went on to become a monk writer in early Qing Dynasty, a testament to the new Taoism in Hebei in early South Song Dynasty, an introduction to the history of Chinese Buddhism, , Composed of Chen Yuan anti-Japanese historiography series, wrote a remarkable chapter in the history of modern patriotism.