
来源 :军事通信技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangzdh2008
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在无线网络的应用中,由于地形地物,发射功率等各种因素,网络中可能出现单向链路。因此,如何在存在单向链路的网络中实现准确高效地通信成为一个重要的研究课题。文章基于认知无线网络的环境,提出了一种单向链路算法,认知节点的底层向邻居节点周期性地发送报文获得邻居链路信息,再将这些信息以路由表形式反馈给网络层,网络层根据这些反馈信息实现路由请求与路由应答,最后实现数据的传输。计算机仿真结果验证了所提算法的有效性和高效性。 In wireless network applications, due to the topography, transmit power and other factors, the network may appear unidirectional links. Therefore, how to achieve accurate and efficient communication in a network with unidirectional links becomes an important research topic. This paper proposes a unidirectional link algorithm based on the cognitive radio network environment. The bottom layer of the cognitive node periodically sends messages to the neighboring nodes to obtain the neighbor link information, which is then fed back to the network as a routing table Layer, the network layer based on these feedback information to achieve routing requests and routing replies, the final realization of data transmission. Computer simulation results verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithm.
目的 比较屋尘螨抗原的不同检测方法的差别 ,找到较合适的致敏原检测方法。方法 随机选取 95例变应性疾病的患者分别作屋尘螨粗提液的皮内试验、点刺试验、丹麦ALK公司的屋