
来源 :中国港口 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hy3508
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港口体制改革应有利于竞争机制羽形成 港口管理体制改革应该把是否有利于市场经济体制的建立作为取舍各项改革措施及检查其得失的根本标准之一。 竞争市场经济的一个基本特征。港口是国民经济发展的重要动力和支柱,而它对国民经济发展的推动和支撑作用是通过港口企业的生产经营活动实现的。因此,港口在国民经济中所起作用的大小在很大程度上取决于港口企业的活力。所以,和其他行业一样,在港口企业之间也应该形成竞争的局面。但是,由于受运输路线的限制,港口本来就具有地区上的垄断性,即通过港口的货流中有很大一部分是被运输路线决定的,不为竞争所左右的,港口之间竞争范围受到一定的限制。为了增强港口企业的活力,应该下大力气培育港口内部市场,使之形成多主体竞争的局面。要引进真正的竞争机制。所谓真正的竞争机制是所有港口企业都没有任何形式的保护伞,真正做到优胜劣汰。因此,是否有利于竞争机制的形成是是否有利于市场经济建立的重要标准之一。港口管理体制改革也必须以此作为一个最重要的标准。 The reform of the port system should be conducive to the formation of a competitive mechanism. The reform of the port management system should establish whether the market economy should be conducive to the reform as one of the fundamental criteria for selecting the reform measures and checking their gains and losses. A Basic Feature of Competitive Market Economy. The port is an important driving force and pillar for the development of the national economy, and its role in promoting and supporting the development of the national economy is realized through the production and operation activities of the port enterprises. Therefore, the size of the port’s role in the national economy depends to a large extent on the vitality of the port enterprises. Therefore, like other industries, there should be a competitive situation among the port enterprises. However, due to the restriction of transportation routes, the ports are inherently monopolistic in nature. That is, a large part of the goods flowing through the ports is determined by the route of transport and is not subject to competition. The scope of competition among the ports is affected Certain restrictions. In order to enhance the vitality of the port enterprises, great efforts should be made to cultivate the internal market of the port so as to form a multi-agent competition. To introduce a real competition mechanism. The so-called real competition mechanism is that all port enterprises do not have any form of umbrella to really survive. Therefore, whether it is conducive to the formation of a competitive mechanism is one of the important criteria for the establishment of a market economy. Port management system reform must also take this as one of the most important criteria.
  目的 对心脏性猝死(SCD)案例的死因构成及相关特点进行回顾性研究,为SCD的预防及法医学鉴定提供参考.方法 对2000年-2011年湖北同济法医学鉴定中心受理的1280例心脏性猝
现在,世界上最大的飞机要算‘休士海勾力士第四号’(Hughes Hercules 4)了。它是完全用木料造成的,因为当它在计划中的时候,正是航空轻合金缺乏得最严重的期间。远在一九四