春风秋雨伴商舟 三镇商业换新颜——建国五十年武汉商业的变迁

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时值建国和武汉解放50周年,回眸武汉商业半个世纪的风雨历程,我们为全市商界几代人在党领导下,在旧社会留下的衰败的商业基础上,为探索社会主义商业发展道路百折不挠,为三镇商业现代化建设艰苦奋斗所取得的成就而骄傲、自豪。一、艰苦探索,曲折发展,为商业改革开放奠定基础武汉得中独厚,享有长江汉水交汇的便利,早在17世纪中后期就成为”楚中第一繁盛处”,是号称“九省通衢”的大商埠。武汉解放后,经过几代人的努力,武汉商业发生了翻天覆地的变化。1.建立国合商业,开创了新中国武 At the time of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Wuhan, we reviewed the stormy history of Wuhan’s business for half a century. In order to explore the socialist commercial development on the basis of the decadent business left by the old society under the leadership of the party for several generations in the city, Perseverance and pride and pride in the achievements made in the arduous struggle in the three towns’ modernization of commercial construction. First, arduous exploration, twists and turns development, laying the foundation for the reform and opening up to the West Wuhan unique, enjoy the convenience of the intersection of the Yangtze River Han River, as early as the mid-to-late period of the seventeenth century became “the first prosperous Chu”, is known as “thoroughfare of nine provinces” Big commercial port. After the liberation of Wuhan, after several generations’ efforts, the commercial changes in Wuhan have undergone enormous changes. 1. To establish a state-owned commercial cooperation and create a new China’s armed forces
澳门市政执委会主席麦健智表示,根据去年颁布的《吸烟的预防及限制度》法律规定,烟草广告于1999年1月1日起全面禁止,市政厅已去信有关广告牌照持有人拆除烟草广告, Mak Mun
日本人崇尚自然,他们对食品和副食品的需求,是青睐于“回归自然”的“绿色食品”,越接近自然越好。 近几年来,中国的银杏叶精在日本市场上已成热销产品。如银杏叶精制成的饮
成渝高速公路广告战硝烟弥漫。记者从重庆成渝高速公路管理处获悉,成渝高速公路“广告之王”已经产生,这块面积达600平方米巨型广告的“主人”系中国名酒剑南春。 Chengdu-
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