A Modified Method for Preparation of Adriamycin Carried by Magnetic Albumin Microspheres

来源 :Journal of Tongji Medical University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhufeng19791123
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The targeting of antineoplastic agents to restricted anatomic sites and specific target cells have been challenged clinicians all the time in cancer chemotherapy, which resulted in recent efforts to focus the effects of existing antitumor agents and treatments on tumor cells and spare their effects on normal cells. The drug-carrier complex, adriamycin carried by magnetic albumin microspheres (ADM-MAM) was prepared by using our discovered new and modified method. The physical feature of the prepared drug-carrier microspheres was much better than by the traditional method in comparison. The successful preparation of the drug-carrier complex, ADM-MAM, is one of the key steps for our later further researches in the targeted chemotherapy. The targeting of antineoplastic agents to restricted anatomic sites and specific target cells have been challenged clinicians all the time in cancer chemotherapy, which resulted in recent efforts to focus the effects of existing antitumor agents and treatments on tumor cells and spare their effects on normal cells. The drug-carrier complex, adriamycin carried by magnetic albumin microspheres (ADM-MAM) was prepared by using our newly new and modified method. The physical feature of the prepared drug-carrier microspheres was much better than by the traditional method in comparison. The successful preparation of the drug-carrier complex, ADM-MAM, one of the key steps for our later further researches in the targeted chemotherapy.
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