热解吸气相色谱双通道检测空气中 TVOC

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伴随着科技的进步以及各种新物质材料的研发应用,社会在得到极大发展的同时也带来了一些负面影响,其中给环境造成了严重污染是社会科技发展中最大的缺点和问题,尤其是空气污染,更是给人们的身心健康带来严重危害。总挥发性有机化合物(TVOC)是当前空气污染中较为严重的一系列气体物质,尤其是在室内或车内等一些密闭狭小的空间内,TVOC的危害性则更大。为此,检测室内空气中TVOC的含量以确定室内空气是否符合人体生理需要就显得尤为重要。现本文就来探讨热解吸气相色谱双通道检测方法在检测孔空气中TVOC含量的技术方法,并进一步阐明了双通道检测空气质量的优越性。 With advances in science and technology and the development and application of various new materials and materials, the society has brought about tremendous development while bringing about some negative impacts. The serious pollution to the environment is the biggest shortcoming and problem in the development of social science and technology, especially Is air pollution, but also to people’s physical and mental health caused serious harm. Total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) is a series of serious air pollution in the current series of gaseous substances, especially in indoor or car and some other confined space, TVOC more harmful. For this reason, it is very important to detect the content of TVOC in the indoor air to determine whether the indoor air meets the physiological needs of the human body. This paper is to explore pyrolysis gas chromatography dual-channel detection method for detecting hole TVOC content of the technical methods and further clarify the superiority of dual-channel detection of air quality.
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