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加强国防后备力量建设,目前我们已有充分的法律依据。从国家的根本大法《宪法》到中华人民共和国第一部《国防法》,从《民兵工作条例》到关于加强基层武装部建设的七部委文件,从《预备役军官法》到《民兵武器装备管理条例》,各省也还有实施细则一类的地方性法规。但在实际工作中,有法不依、有法难依的现象还时有发生,制约了民兵预备役工作的开展。这一方面是由于我们正处在一个剧烈变革的时代,社会生活的各个层面每时每刻都在发生着变化,而法律法规却不可能朝令夕改;另一方面是由于我国疆域辽阔,地区之间从经济发展状况到人们的法制观念都有很大的不同,法律法规很难做过于具体详尽的规范。这就需要各地尤其是基层单位,在国家法律法规的指导下,适时推出地方性法规。常熟市出台《关于加强武装机构建设的意见》可贵之处就在这里。 依法抓好民兵预备役工作的落实,是深化民兵工作改革的重要内客。抓好法规落实需要有迎难而上的勇气、一抓到底的决心和坚持不懈的恒心。常熟市在加强武装机构建设的过程中,就曾遇到个别“三资”企业的负责人以种种借口推诿扯皮等问题。在困难面前,市委书记亲自出面,依法力争,态度坚决,既维护了法规的权威性,又确保了工作不至于半途而废。可以说,落实法规有时比制定法规需要付出? To strengthen the building of national defense reserve forces, we now have ample legal basis. From the fundamental constitutional law of the country to the first “national defense law” of the People’s Republic of China, from the “Regulations on the Work of Militias” to the seven ministries and commissions on strengthening the construction of grassroots armed forces departments, from the “Reserve Officers’ Law” to the “Militia’s Weaponry Management Ordinance ”, the provinces also have the implementation details of a class of local laws and regulations. However, in actual work, there are still laws that do not follow the law and those that are hard at work depend on the law. This has also hampered the preparation for the militia’s reserve work. This is partly due to the fact that we are in an era of drastic change. Every aspect of our social life is constantly changing all the time. However, laws and regulations can not be changed overnight. On the other hand, due to the vast territory of our country and between regions From the state of economic development to the concept of people’s legal system are very different, laws and regulations is difficult to do too detailed and specific norms. This will require all localities, especially grassroots units, to launch local laws and regulations in a timely manner under the guidance of national laws and regulations. Changshu City promulgated the “Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Armed Forces,” valuable here. Grasping the implementation of the reserve forces in militia according to law is an important target for deepening the militia reform. To do a good job in implementing laws and regulations, we must have the courage to face difficulties, to grasp the determination in the end and to persevere in perseverance. Changshu City in the process of strengthening the construction of armed forces, have encountered some individual “three-funded” business executives to prevaricate with many excuses and other issues. In the face of difficulties, the municipal party committee secretary personally came forward to fight according to law and resolute attitude, which not only safeguarded the authority of laws and regulations, but also ensured that the work will not be halted. Can be said that the implementation of laws and regulations than sometimes need to pay for the development of laws and regulations?
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摘要:古典自由心证制度是在罗马诉讼制度中的证据评价方式,本文通过概说这一制度的特征,点出其核心观念,进一步通过考察大陆法系历史发展中证据评价的其它两种方式对古典自由心证制度的承继关系,尤其是通过区分现代自由心证制度与古典自由心证制度,从反面对古典自由心证制度进行简要评述。  关键词:古典自由心证;随意性;现代自由心证  在大陆法系历史上证据评价方式经历了"自由(古典的自由心证主义)--不自由(法定