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为推动内蒙古自治区“破案追逃”新机制在“打防控”体系建设中发挥更大作用,最近,我们到呼和浩特市公安局新城、回民、玉泉、赛罕分局刑警大队及9个驻所责任区刑警中队和包头市公安局昆都伦、青山、东河分局刑警大队及4个责任区刑警中队就贯彻落实公安部“破案追逃”新机制情况进行了为期十余天的调查研究。从调查了解的情况看,在呼、包二市已将公安部“破案追逃”新机制初步贯彻到各级公安机关和基层实战部门,特別是经过1999年和2001年两次全国网上大追逃的实践,基层公安机关网上追逃的意识明显增强,并在实战中抓获了一大批网上在逃人员,为遏制重大恶性案件的上升势头、消除治安隐患发挥了很大的作用。但从呼、包二市近几年的运行情况看,还存在一些亟待解决的问题,主要是: 认识不高,重视不够,措施不得力一些地方公安机关的领导对“破案追逃”新机制在侦查破案中的作用认识不到位,没有引起足够的重视。一是少数公安机关的领导对公安部“破 Recently, we went to the Hohhot Public Security Bureau Metro, Hui, Yuquan, Saihan Branch of Interpol Brigade and the nine resident responsibility to promote the new mechanism of “solving crimes” in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region play a greater role in the construction of “ District Interpol Squadron and Baotou Public Security Bureau Kundulun, Aoyan, Donghe Interpol Brigade and the four areas of responsibility Interpol Squadron on the implementation of the Ministry of Public Security ”case-by-case pursuit of“ a new mechanism for a period of more than 10 days of research. From the investigation and understanding of the situation, in the call, the package two city has the Ministry of Public Security ”cracked the case pursued“ a preliminary implementation of the new mechanism at all levels of public security organs and grassroots combat units, especially after 1999 and 2001 twice the national chase The practice of escaping from prison and the grassroots-level public security organs have obviously increased their awareness of online pursuit and evasion, and arrested a large number of people on the go who fled online in actual combat. This has played a significant role in curbing the upward trend of major and vicious crimes and eliminating hidden dangers in public order. However, from the call and the operation of Bao Er city in recent years, there are still some problems that are in urgent need of solution. The main problems are: lack of awareness, inadequate attention and inadequate measures. Some local public security organs are still facing the new mechanism of ” In the investigation of the role of crime detection is not in place, did not attract enough attention. First, the leadership of a handful of public security organs “broke the Ministry of Public Security.”
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就低年级小学生而言,游戏是启发心智与兴趣,达到身心愉悦的最佳方式。本文结合多年的教学实践,对如何有效地在数学课堂中开展游戏活动谈了体会。 In the case of lower prim
文言文教学的传统模式是:教师在台上讲,诸如实词的意义、虚词的用法、句式的梳理及语段的翻译,学生就在下面一字不漏地记着笔记,这样师生都在不折不扣地完成着教本上规定的内容。  应该承认,由于初中文言文要求低,一到高中古文量的剧增,文言知识的猛然增多,对阅读量少、基础较差、尤其是文言文底子薄的乡镇农村中学的学生而言,实施上述传统文言文教学的模式很容易为教师和这样的学生所接受,学生听课不费力,只要听懂、记