Investigation on the Flotation Mechanism of Tantalite-Niobite Minerals with Styrenephosphonic Acid C

来源 :Rare Metals | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fenglilong_liumang
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The flotability and mechanism of the composite tantalite-niobite minerals which have different content of the Ta, Nb. Fe,Mn with styrenephosphonic acid (SPA) as collector are investigated and discussed. Some important flotation parameters arefound as follows: SPA is a better collector for flotating niobite-tantalite mineral than other, the optimum pH value in pulp is lessthan 5, the flotability of those minerals varies with the different content of mineral composition, the flotabitity of the mineralswith higher Nb_2O_5 content is better than that with higher Ta_20_5 content. Here we emphasize that in wide range of pH in solu-tion the Fe, Mn on the mineral surfaces are the main active species for flotation of these minerals. In addition to this, some of re-search work by using Auger electron spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy and ultraviolet spectroscopy for determining the surfaceconditions, pretreated by acid or not, has been done. The characteristics of adsorption of SPA on the mineral surfaces are exam-ined and discussed. It is indicated that the SPA interacts with Fe, Mn ions on mineral surfaces by the chemical bond force. But onthe whole outer layer of collector, which is non-uniform multilayer, it may be said that the adsorption of SPA on the mineral sur-face is both chemico-adsorption and physico-adsorption, but the chemico-adsorption is predominant. The flotability and mechanism of the composite tantalite-niobite minerals which have different content of the Ta, Nb. Fe, Mn with styrenephosphonic acid (SPA) as collector are investigated and discussed. Some important flotation parameters arefound as follows: SPA is a better collector for flotating niobite-tantalite mineral than other, the optimum pH value in pulp is lessthan 5, the flotability of those minerals varies with the different content of mineral composition, the flotabitity of the minerals with higher Nb2O5 content is better than that with higher Ta_20_5 content. Here we emphasize that in wide range of pH in solu-tion the Fe, Mn on the mineral surfaces are the main active species for flotation of these minerals. In addition to this, some of re-search work by using Auger electron spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy and ultraviolet spectroscopy for determining the surface conditions, pretreated by acid or not, has been done. The characteristics of adsorption of SPA on the mine ral surfaces are examined-ined and discussed. It is indicated that the SPA interacts with Fe, Mn ions on mineral surfaces by the chemical bond force. But on the whole outer layer of collector, which is non-uniform multilayer, it may be said that the adsorption of SPA on the mineral sur-face is both chemico-adsorption and physico-adsorption, but the chemico-adsorption is predominant.
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