张幼云投身外交界的10年间,曾给毛泽东、周恩来、邓小平、胡耀邦、赵紫阳等党和国家领导人作过译员。她获得了包括伊丽莎白女王、撒切尔夫人、杰弗里·豪外交大臣在内的英国政要显贵的高度赞赏。在中英关于香港问题谈判中,她终于脱颖而出,声名远播…… 在人民大会堂福建厅,张幼云有幸目睹了邓小平和撒切尔夫人激烈交锋 1982年9月,英国首相撒切尔夫人访华。在撒切尔夫人访华的那些日子里,张幼云每次都是提前
In his 10 years of involvement in diplomatic circles, Zhang Youyun has given interpreters to the party and state leaders such as Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping, Hu Yaobang and Zhao Ziyang. She won highly acclaimed British dignitaries, including Queen Elizabeth, Thatcher, and Foreign Minister Geoffrey Howe. In the Sino-British talks on Hong Kong, she finally stood out and became famous ... In the Fujian Hall of the Great Hall of the People, Zhang Youyun was fortunate enough to witness Deng Xiaoping’s fierce clash with Mrs Thatcher. In September 1982, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher visited China . In those days Mrs. Thatcher’s visit to China, Zhang Youyun was ahead of time