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导语是新闻的窗口。这个“导”字有三种涵义:开始、启发和吸引。在新闻写作实践中,写好导语是很重要的。导语是新闻学特有的一个概念。现代新闻学称之为导语的,指在一则新闻中概括新闻内容,提炼新闻精华并揭示新闻主题的头一段话或头一句话。最初的新闻没有导语。新闻有导语,据说始于1865年。当时正值美国内战,重大军事消息往往夹在长篇叙述的中间或末尾,关键内容不突出,纽约的一位报纸编辑就把关键内容提到开头,并单独成段,名为“导语”。此后,导语便在新闻中普遍采用。 The lead is the news window. This “guide” has three meanings: start, inspire and attract. In news writing practice, it is important to write a guideline. Lead language is a unique journalism concept. What modern journalism calls lexicons refers to the first words or the first words that summarize the news content in one piece of news, refine the essence of the news and reveal the theme of the news. The initial news did not lead. News leads, it is said that in 1865. At that time, it was at the time when the U.S. civil war was taking place. Major military news was often caught in the middle or at the end of narratives. The key content was not prominent. A newspaper editor in New York referred to the key content and started a separate paragraph entitled “Guide Language.” Since then, the lead language is widely used in news.
本研究以05版药典一部规定的金钱草(Lysimachia christinae Hance)药材为研究材料,研究金钱草种质的遗传多样性,旨在为金钱草的种质资源研究与保护、合理利用奠定初步的理论基础。本文对四川省内28份金钱草种质资源进行了形态学、RAPD分子标记和代谢产物这三方面的分析,研究结果表明:1.对种植在四川农业大学农场的金钱草种质的形态学性状进行分析,结果表明主茎长、主茎粗、主茎分枝数等
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