On the eve of the war of resistance against Japan in 1937, the total amount of renminbi issued was only 1.4 billion yuan. Before the Japanese surrender, the circulation reached 500 billion yuan. The national government junk money bills, letting inflation policy, the devaluation of the legal currency at the time, the credibility of sweeping. After the KMT-CPC civil war broke out in 1946, in order to solve the financial crisis, the National Government raised funds for the war and more unscrupulously spilled banknotes, resulting in the near collapse of the economy and livelihood of the KMT. In 1948, the devaluation of the French currency was not as good as the value of its own paper. A paper mill in Guangdong actually bought 800 boxes of nos. 100 to 2,000 yuan as the papermaking raw material. There have also been calls for currency changes within the Kuomintang