先售后股 转权改制 盘活存量资产 激活危困企业

来源 :乡镇企业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xueyupiaoling
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河北省武邑县韩庄镇工业基础较强,拥有国家级、省级两大企业集团,一个科研公司。今年1至6月份全镇企业完成销售收入19328万元,同比增长96.18%,实现利税1573.5万元,同比增长94.4%。过去在计划经济体制下,韩庄镇镇办工业主要靠总量扩张和速度增长,完成了“第一创业”。但近几年在市场经济体制日趋完善的新形势下,乡镇企业潜在的危机已显露出来,特别是机制弱化的矛盾日益突出,严重制约了镇办工业的发展,少数企业负债率已高达90%以上,已经面临倒闭绝境。华艺集团是该镇两大支柱企业之一,其生产的国优工艺产品,出口五十多个国家和地区,企业拥有经营进出口权,但是由于企业产权不明晰,负盈不负亏, Hanzhuang Town, Wuyi County, Hebei Province has a strong industrial foundation and has two national and provincial enterprise groups and one scientific research company. From January to June of this year, the enterprises in the town completed a sales income of 193.28 million yuan, an increase of 96.18% year-on-year, and realized profits and taxes of 15.735 million yuan, an increase of 94.4% year-on-year. In the past, under the planned economic system, Hanzhuang Town, the town’s industry, relied on total expansion and rapid growth to complete the “first venture.” However, under the new situation in which the market economy system is gradually perfecting in recent years, the potential crisis of township and village enterprises has been revealed. In particular, the conflict between the weakening of the mechanism has become increasingly prominent, which seriously restricts the development of the township-run industry. The debt ratio of a few enterprises has reached as high as 90%. Above, it is already facing a collapse. Huayi Group is one of the two pillar enterprises in the town. Its national superior technology products are exported to more than 50 countries and regions. Enterprises have the right to operate import and export, but due to the unclear property rights of the enterprise, the company is not responsible for losses.
朋友,当您读到“盲人骑瞎马、夜半临深池”这样的句子时,其惊险程度一定会使您倒抽一口冷气吧! 可是,如果当您知道您现在乘坐的汽车上安装着假冒伪劣的轮胎、变速器、或刹车
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辞别九五年,迎来九六年! 大地春意盎然,万物生机勃勃。忆往昔,江苏茧丝绸有悠久的历史,建国后,特别是改革开放以来,丝绸行业发展较快,每年投放农村收茧茧款最多时近30亿元。
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