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据《新快报》载:从教科书宣称“哺育黄河文明”到“端午祭”申遗、将中医改为韩医申遗,再到号称“金属活字印刷”起源国,韩国人的口气越来越大。更让人目瞪口呆的是,竟有韩国人宣称“汉字是古代韩国人发明的”!这一论调目前正在网上掀起一场论战和文化激辩,中国人、韩国人和许多西方汉语研究者都加入其中。还用得着激辩吗?文化是历史书写在文物上的印记,我华夏文明泱泱五千年浩瀚历史,唐宗宋祖的独领风骚,就是最好的文化名片。说得再夸张一点,在首批24座历史文化名城开封、西安、南京、北京等任何地方,地上 According to the “Express Newspaper”, the tone of Koreans is getting bigger and bigger as the textbooks claim to “nurture the Yellow River civilization” and “Dragon Boat Festival”. Even more stunned is that as many South Koreans claimed that “Chinese characters were invented by ancient Koreans.” This argument is currently a controversial and controversial debate on the Internet, with Chinese, Korean and many Western Chinese researchers joining among them. Is it also used for intense debate? Culture is the history of writing in the relics of the mark, my Huaxia civilization wander five thousand years of vast history, Tang Zong Song Zu’s dominant, is the best cultural business card. To put it another exaggeration, in the first batch of 24 historical and cultural city of Kaifeng, Xi’an, Nanjing, Beijing and other places, the ground
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