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思想品德课是小学对少年儿童进行思想政治教育和共产主义道德品质教育的重要阵地。在思想品德课教学中加强爱国主义教育,必须认真讲好教材中爱国主义教育的题材,努力提高思想品德课的教学质量。过去,不少教师由于受传统教育的影响,在教学中往往存在着注入式、满堂灌的毛病,其结果是教师辛辛苦苦,却收效甚微。近几年来,由于加强了教育理论的学习,教师一般都能注意克服上述毛病,把教师的主导作用和学生学习的主动性积极性更好地结合起来,收到了较好的教学效果。我校五年级在进行《社会主义好》的专题教学时,教师着重抓好如下的三个方面:一是了解学生对社会主义的认识和实际表现,借以加强教学的针对性,有的放矢;二是改进教学方法,努力提高课堂教学的质量,三是配合课堂教 The ideological and moral education class is an important front for ideological and political education and communist moral quality education for children and adolescents in primary schools. To strengthen patriotism education in ideological and moral education, we must conscientiously stress the subject matter of patriotism education in teaching materials and strive to improve the teaching quality of ideological and moral lessons. In the past, due to the influence of traditional education, many teachers often suffered from infusion and full-court irrigation. As a result, teachers were working hard but had little success. In recent years, due to the strengthening of education theory, teachers have generally been able to pay attention to overcoming the above-mentioned problems and better combined the leading role of the teacher with the enthusiasm of the students to learn and received good teaching results. When the fifth grade of our school conducts special teaching on “Socialism is Good,” teachers focus on the following three aspects: First, understand the students’ understanding of socialism and their actual performance in order to strengthen the pertinence of teaching and to target the situation; Improve teaching methods, strive to improve the quality of classroom teaching, and third, coordinate with classroom teaching
2001年度国家档案局优秀科技成果奖评审工作日前结束,共评出获奖项目28项,现予以公布。 获奖项目自公布之日起2个月内为争议期。凡对获奖项目的主要完成人、主要完成单位的名次
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