
来源 :中国边防警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:callingme
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大家对《舌尖上的中国》这部纪录片都不陌生吧,对里边的美食肯定是欲罢不能。那大家对咱们边防部队的关食了解多少呢?虽然只是食堂大锅饭,但味道真不是盖的。在部队,美食属于后勤保障的一部分,官兵吃得饱,仗才能打得好。山东青岛中韩边防派出所以“三餐四化”为抓手,推出了一些“脍炙人口”备受好评的中韩菜系。美食,首先需要的是等待和耐心。一边是正等待化冰的肉,另一边是火烧得正旺的炉火。一炉旺火最让面条出彩,锅里的面条开始翻滚了,翻滚着的洁白素雅的挂面,为厨房增添了几分活力和暖意。面条翻滚5分钟后,断生,出锅入碗。炒酱,热锅下油,油熟后加入肉末 Everyone on the “tongue on China” is not unfamiliar with this documentary, it certainly is unable to stop the food inside. So how much do we all know about the shut-in of our frontier forces? Although it is only a canteen, the taste is really not covered. In the army, food is part of the logistical support, officers and men eat enough, battle can play well. Shandong, Qingdao, China and South Korea border police station “three meals four ” as the starting point, launched a number of “popular ” critically acclaimed Chinese and Korean cuisine. The first thing you need is food and patience. One side is waiting for the iced meat, on the other side is a well-burned fire. A cup of hot wok noodles out of color, the noodles in the pot began to tumble, tumbling white elegance of noodles, adding some vitality to the kitchen and warmth. After 5 minutes of noodle rolling, break the pot and pour into the bowl. Saute sauce, the pot under the oil, add the minced meat after cooked
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