推进依法治省 加快中原崛起——省政协十一届十三次常委会议专题议政发言撷要

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执政兴国,重在法治;富民强省,重在法治。今年3月召开的省委九届九次全会,以“四个全面”战略布局为总引领,对落实全面依法治国、推进全面依法治省作出安排部署,这是对党的十八届四中全会精神的深入贯彻落实,旨在为全面建成小康社会、全面深化改革、全面从严治党,实现中原崛起河南振兴富民强省提供有力法治保障。紧扣河南省委九届九次全会关于全面推进依法治省的部署,根据《省政协党组2015年度工作要点》安排,省政协办公厅确定了5个方面22个参考题目。7~9月份,省政协各专委会,省各民主党派和工商联,各省辖市、省直管县(市)政协,部分住豫全国政协委员和省政协常委围绕议题开展了多种形式的调研。结合调研情况,会上,11位同志围绕“全面推进依法治省”主题作大会发言。本期我们予以摘要刊发,以期推动全面依法治省工作的深入开展。 Governing and rejuvenating the country, focusing on the rule of law; enriching the people and strengthening the province, focusing on the rule of law. The 9th Plenary Session of the Ninth CPC Ninth CPC Central Committee held in March this year is guided by the strategic layout of “four comprehensives” and made arrangements for the full implementation of the principle of governing the country according to law and promoting a comprehensive control of the province according to law, Fourth Plenary Session of the spirit of the in-depth implementation, aimed at building a comprehensive well-off society, deepen the reform in an all-round solemn ruling party to achieve the rise of Central Plains to revive the rich and strong province to provide a strong legal guarantee. In the light of the arrangement of “Key Points of the CPPCC Working Groups in 2015” at the Ninth Plenary Session of the Ninth Central Committee of the Ninth CPC Commission on Ninth Plenary Sessions of the Ninth Central Committee of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, 22 reference questions have been identified in five aspects. From July to September, various CPPCC committees under the CPPCC, various democratic parties and chambers of commerce and industrial and commercial associations in the provinces, cities directly under the Central Government and provincial CPPCC counties (cities), some CPPCC members and members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial CPPCC held various forms around the issues Research. Combined with the survey, at the meeting, 11 comrades spoke around the conference on the theme of “comprehensively promoting the province according to law”. In this issue, we give a summary of the issue, with a view to promoting the full implementation of the province according to law.
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