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宣州市文化局长陈声水,在文化战线上已经奋斗了二十六个春秋。他以强烈的事业心,高度的责任感和吃苦耐劳的精神,为全市文化事业的发展作出了突出的贡献;尤其在文物保护方面做出了大量艰苦细致的工作,赢得了各级主管部门和文化战线广大职工的一致称赞。被誉为“文博卫士”。 “他能吃别人吃不了的苦” 宣州地处皖南腹地,晋时设郡,文化发达,民风淳厚;人文荟萃,古迹繁多,是一座省级历史文化名城;这里有全国罕见的宋代姐妹双塔,有大诗人谢李白吟咏揽胜的遗迹,有本邑名人梅侥臣墓、梅文鼎墓、梅清墓,有七八十万年前的陈山旧石器遗址。现存国保文物1处,省保文物5处,市保文物27处,文物分布点多面广。陈声水担任副局长后,从《文物保护》、《省文物保护条例》到专业的文物书籍,他开始了一段艰苦的学习过程,在较短的时间内,不仅掌握了国家有关的法规政策,学习了文物知识,也增添了对文物事业的感情,成了一个“土专家”。从此,在各种场合说起本市的文物他都是如数家珍。1992年,地区邮电局住宿楼建设工程开工,地基挖到十多米深处发现一处古墓葬。陈声水得知情况后,立即向省文物局汇报,文物部门同意采取抢救性发掘。发掘现场聚集了众多看热闹的人。文保人员人手不够,他不顾墓坑随时都有坍塌的危险,第一个跳进 Chen Shengshui, director of Xuanzhou Culture Department, has fought for twenty-six years on the cultural front. With his strong sense of professionalism, high sense of responsibility and hard-working spirit, he made outstanding contributions to the development of the city’s cultural undertakings. In particular, he has made a great deal of arduous and meticulous work in the protection of cultural relics and has won awards from all levels of competent departments and cultures The unanimous commendation of the workers in front of the line. Known as “Wen Bo guardian.” “He can not eat others suffering” Xuanzhou is located in the hinterland of southern Anhui, Shanxi set up when the county, developed culture, honest people honest; anthropology blend of monuments, is a provincial-level historical and cultural city; there is a rare sisters of the Song Dynasty Tower, a large poet Xie Li Bai Yin Rover ruins, there is the town of Mayuierchen cemetery cemetery, Mei Wending Tomb, Mei Qing Tomb, there are seven or eight hundred thousand years ago, Chen Shan Paleolithic sites. The existing state protection of a cultural relics, provincial preservation of cultural relics 5, 27 municipal cultural relics, cultural relics point wide. After Chen Shengshui took the post of deputy director, he started a difficult learning process from “Cultural Relic Protection” and “Provincial Cultural Relics Protection Ordinance” to professional cultural relics books. In a relatively short period of time, he not only mastered relevant state laws, regulations and policies and learned The cultural relics knowledge, but also increased the feelings of heritage, has become a “soil expert.” Since then, in various occasions, talking about the cultural relics in the city, he is all familiar. In 1992, the construction of the residential building in the regional post office started. The foundation dug deeper than 10 meters to find an ancient tombs. After Chen Shui-shui learned of the situation, he immediately reported to the Provincial Bureau of Cultural Relics and the department of cultural relics agreed to take a rescue excavation. Excavation site gathered a lot of watch busy people. Literature and manpower staff is not enough manpower, he ignored the tomb at any time there is the danger of collapse, the first jump
哥哥在烟台当大兵已经整整三年也没探家一次,老妈天天盼着哥哥回来,趁着没脱下军装,还算是“最可爱的人”糊弄个媳妇。要不,错过这个村,可就没有那个店了。 老妈唯一的招数,