初冬时节,第十三届中国戏剧节在古城苏州拉开帷幕。阳光照耀着姑苏大地上所有的小桥流水,也温暖着无数戏剧工作者与观众的心。在27个剧种的29台参演剧目中,兰州军区战斗文工团与西安电视台联合制作的大型原创舞剧《文成公主》格外令人瞩目。因为,它将我们带到了一股神奇的清泉源头,带到了世界上最为险峻高拔的冰峰雪岭之上,那里有1 300多年前风吹驼铃的唐蕃古道,那里是文成公主与松赞干布爱情的发端。历史是曾经发生过又已远离我们而去的事情。一部好的艺术作品与众不同之处,就在于它
Early winter season, the thirteenth Chinese Theater Festival kicked off in the ancient city of Suzhou. Sunshine shines on all the small bridges in the land of Gusu and warmth the hearts of countless theater workers and audiences. Among the 27 operas participating in the repertoire, the large-scale original “Wencheng Princess” co-produced by the Lanzhou Military Region’s Fighting Art Troupe and Xi’an Television Station is especially noteworthy. Because it brought us to a magical source of Qingquan, brought to the world’s most rugged ice-cream Ridge above there, there are more than 1300 years ago camel bell Tangfan Road, there is Princess Wencheng and Songzan Dry cloth love the beginning. History is something that has happened and has been away from us. What makes a good piece of art unique is in it