
来源 :商品与质量·理论研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:crystal_zirui
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商标是商品或服务的标记,具有识别与品质担保功能。有关国际公约与各国商标法都将显著性作为对商标的基本要求之一。如我国《商标法》第9条规定,申请注册的商标,应当有显著特征,便于识别。第11条规定不得作为商标注册的标志,经过使用取得显著性特征,并便于识别的,可以作为商标使用。第8条和第9条的规定从正面要求商标应当具有显著性。“第11条第1款和第12条从反面对第9条的要求进行了补充,规定了不具有显著性的标志不得作为商标注册。同时,为了与TRIPS协议的要求相一致,我国商标法增加了通过使用可以获得显著性的规定,体现在第11条第2款前款所列标志经过使用取得显著特征,并便于识别的,可以作为商标注册。《保护工业产权的巴黎公约》第6条规定,对缺乏显著特征的商标,成员国可以拒绝给予注册。由此可见,显著性是商标注册的重要条件,然而如何判断商标的显著性,规定的并不具有可操作性,本文试讨论一下什么是商标的显著性、商标显著性的要件。 A mark is a mark of a good or service that has the identifying and quality guarantee function. The relevant international conventions and trademark laws of all countries regard salience as one of the basic requirements for trademarks. For example, Article 9 of the ”Trademark Law“ in our country stipulates that the trademark applied for registration should have distinctive features for easy identification. Article 11 shall not be used as a mark of trademark registration, obtained by using the salient features, and easy to identify, can be used as a trademark. The provisions of articles 8 and 9 require the mark to be positive from the front. ”Paragraphs 1 and 12 of Article 11 reversely complement Article 9 requirements and stipulate that non-distinctive emblems may not be registered as trademarks and, in conformity with the requirements of the TRIPS Agreement, our trademarks The law adds the distinctiveness that can be obtained by the use of distinctiveness and that the emblems identified in the preceding paragraph of article 11, paragraph 2, are distinctively identifiable and can be registered as trademarks.Parties of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property Article 6 states that member states may refuse to register a trademark that lacks distinctive characteristics, so that salience is an important condition for the registration of a trademark. However, how to judge the saliency of a trademark is not operable. Discuss what is the significance of the mark, mark the salient elements.
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