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读了本刊今年第2期报道上钢三厂开展设备工作大讨论的消息,张厂长、梁书记等企业主管领导都分别参加了主要生产系统的讨论。张厂长在讨论中指出,设备是生产的重要物质基础,作为一个企业,要适应市场经济,增加效益,提高产量,优化质量,扩大品种;必须靠不断提高装备水平去实现。该厂通过这次讨论,确定了今后主要生产设备技术水平升级率为年均8%的指标。读完这则报道,作为一名设备管理工作者不免对上钢三厂的这一做法叫好,对张厂长、梁书记等企业主管领导高屋建瓴、统筹全局的领导思想和领导艺术深感佩服。不由得联想到大名鼎鼎的教练马俊仁。 马俊仁可以称得上是统筹中长跑训练全局的高手,使训练、恢复、比赛相得益彰,恰到好处。争取优异的竞赛成绩是目的,高强度的训练是创造世界纪录的手段,而有效的体力恢复是训练和竞赛的保证,三者在运动中达到平衡。可以看出,运动员体力的恢复是高强度训练和破世界纪录的基础和保证。也许正是马俊仁体会到了这一点,所以他抓运动员体力的恢复,才不仅仅是停留在口头上或一般意义上,而是亲自动手落实,让你头天跑个马拉松,经他一番调理,第二天你就象没有跑过一样轻松。如果马俊仁只把运动员恢复体力停留在口头上或一般水平上,“马家军”就不会成为威震田坛的“马家军” Read this issue the 2nd issue of this year reported on the steel plant to carry out large-scale discussion of equipment work news, director Zhang, Secretary Liang and other business leaders attended the main production system of the discussion. Chang pointed out in his discussion that the equipment is an important material basis for production. As an enterprise, it is necessary to adapt itself to the market economy, increase efficiency, increase output, optimize quality and expand varieties. It must be realized by continuously improving the equipment level. Through this discussion, the factory determined that the technical upgrading rate of major production equipment will be an average of 8% per annum in the future. After reading this report, as a equipment management worker inevitably applauded the practice of the No. 3 Steel Works and admired leaders like Zhang Chang and Liang Shuji, who were in charge of housing construction and overall planning for leadership and leadership. Can not but think of the famous coach Ma Junren. Ma Junren can be regarded as a master co-ordination of the overall training of long-distance running, training, recovery, match each other, just right. It is the goal to strive for excellent competition results. High-intensity training is the means to create a world record. Effective physical recovery is the guarantee of training and competition, and the three balance in the movement. It can be seen that the recovery of athlete’s physical strength is the basis and guarantee for high-intensity training and breaking the world record. It may be that Mr MURRAY has come to realize this. Therefore, if he tries to recover the physical strength of an athlete, he should not only remain verbally or in general, but personally let him run a marathon day after day. After some conditioning, The next day you are not as easy as running. If Ma Junren only restores the athlete to rest on the verbal or the normal level, “Ma Jiajun” will not become the mighty altar “Ma Jiajun”
所有奇闻趣事,所有奇思妙想,都是我们网罗的对象。随想随写,随写随想。 All Gonzo, all the whimsy, are all our objects. With the writing, writing with the thought.
浪费三年,换来一生奔波;勤学三年,换来一生安逸。——毛寅成我们不能选择我们的家境,可是我们可以通过努力来改变我们的家境。——范宗杰 Wasted for three years, in excha