Should we take Social Efficiency Ideology in junior high school English teaching?

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  I believe that everything has both positive and negative sides, and things must be reversed when they reach a certain pole. My understandings of this question are as follows.
  Social Efficiency Ideology has its merits. Social Efficiency Ideology emphasizes that students can learn while doing, that is to say, let the students do it themselves and then they can realize the original meaning of knowledge. The theory holds that the value of knowledge is based in its ability to satisfy needs in the objective world. Mentioned learning while doing, we can easily think of Dewey. Learning while doing is the basic principle of Dewey’s teaching theory. Dewey believes that “all learning is a by-product of action, so teachers must do to encourage students to think and acquire knowledge.” Dewey applies learning while doing to all major aspects of teaching, such as teaching processes, curricula, teaching methods, teaching organizations, etc. All of them based on the requirement of learning from practice. These form an activity curriculum and activity teaching that not only shape the education of modern America but also the whole world.
  I think learning while doing is a great way to improve student’s ability in junior high school. Students gain a lot of direct experience through practice, which is very beneficial for them.
  Social Efficiency Ideology also has its vulnerabilities. Social Efficiency Ideology holds the view that teachers are the managers of the conditions of learning. They prepare the environment, engage the students, and supervise student’s work. Children are meaningful only because they become adults that will contribute to society. The theory focuses primarily on societal needs, secondarily on individual needs. Children are viewed as workers, and they provide the energy to progress through educational materials.
  I don’t think this is suitable for junior high school English teaching. The talented person to be cultivated in junior high school English teaching is not like this. I think that the junior high school English teaching needs to cultivate a variety of people, we should take the student’s own needs as the top priority of the work. Teachers are not the main body of learning activities, but the guides of learning activities. The task of teachers is not to put knowledge into student’s minds, but to inspire students to acquire knowledge, and finally let students learn to learn independently. The aim of Social Efficiency Ideology ignores the development of individual students and focuses on maintaining stable social development. To a certain extent, it does not conform to the actual teaching.
  As far as I’m concerned, we should use the learner centered ideology to guide us in teaching goals, but in terms of methods, we can combine social efficiency ideology with learner centered ideology. That is to say, we learn while doing and we learn from acquisition.
  In short, any teaching theory has its merits and vulnerabilities, and these theories are not in good or bad sense completely. The four teaching theories complement each other. The main application of these teaching theories depends on the teacher’s teaching style, teaching content, and student needs.
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