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社会保障是基于人类生存和发展需要,从终极关怀的目标出发,而产生的一种“共济”、“互助”行为,它是以社会的力量保证全体社会成员至少都能达到最低生活水平而形成的分配关系。它不仅是一种利益上的积累、分割,更是道义与伦理的体现,其宗旨反映出人们对正义原则的追求,对理想人生的向往,对道德精神的弘扬。 社会保障作为一种特殊的分配关系,它与国家政治、社会伦理、道德建设、人口政策的关系比较紧密,诸方面之间有着内在联系。社会保障作为政策和措施,在运用中与一般的经济规律有所不同,它不受价值 Social security is a kind of “mutual aid” and “mutual aid” behavior based on the ultimate goal of caring for the survival and development of humankind. It ensures that all members of the society can at least achieve the minimum standard of living through social forces The formation of the distribution. It is not only an accumulation of benefits, but also a manifestation of morality and ethics. Its purpose reflects the pursuit of the principle of justice, the longing for ideal life and the promotion of moral spirit. As a special distributional relationship, social security has a close relationship with the national politics, social ethics, moral construction and population policies, and has internal relations among all aspects. As a policy and measure, social security is different from the general economic law in operation. It is not valued
陈逸飞简介: 1946生于宁波,浙江镇海人。 1965年毕业于上海美术专科学校,入上海画院油画雕塑创作室。 60-70年代创作了《黄河颂》、《占领总统府》、《踱步》等知名的优秀油
Single crystals of LiY6O5(BO3)3 were obtained by the flux method and its structure was determined by a four-circle automatic diffractometer with a MoKα radiati
Fusain from Tongting (Huaibei, Anhui Province) bituminous (FTTB) coal was fractionally extracted using Soxhlet extractor with CS2. Then the extracts were analyz
病例介绍  患儿女,0.5 h,因重度窒息5 min,呼吸困难半小时入院.系第1胎第1产,胎龄40周,因其母完全性前置胎盘,产前急性大失血(约1500ml),伴晕厥1次急诊入院而剖宫产娩出.产前胎心60~70次/min,羊水清,脐带未见异常。
The 2007 Creativity World Forum is the 4rd gathering of the Districts of Creativity(DC)regions. This network was initiated in Flanders in February 2004 and cons