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一阅读下面的材料,根据要求,写一篇不少于800字的文章。蔡元培主事北大,有一件“茶事”颇为有趣。起因是蔡元培聘了年仅26岁的胡适为教授,并亲自为胡适的《中国哲学史大纲》作序,这引起了一些人的嫉妒与不满。蔡元培得知后,给众人各送了一份茶,唯独没给胡适。众人正在欣喜之际,蔡元培说了一句话:“胡适的肚子是干净的,一心办学为民。而你们个个妒火中烧。茶叶能清肠胃,送你们茶叶是帮你们解解毒。”此事,可称为“清净的哲 Read the following materials, according to the requirements, write an article of not less than 800 words. Cai Yuanpei principal Peking University, there is a ”tea thing“ is quite interesting. The reason is that Cai Yuanpei hired a 26-year-old professor Hu Shih and personally wrote an outline for Hu Shih’s ”Outline of Chinese Philosophy,“ which caused some people’s envy and dissatisfaction. After Cai Yuanpei learned that he gave each one a tea, but did not give Hu Shi. Everyone is delighted, Cai Yuanpei said a few words: ”Hu stomach is clean, wholeheartedly for the people and you are jealous of. Tea can clean the stomach, send you tea is to help you solve the poison. This matter can be called "pure philosophy
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