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在江汉平原中部,有一座历史悠久的文化古城,她北依排湖,南临东荆河,仙监公路从腹部穿过,水陆交通极为便利。这就是古老而又年轻的少数民族镇——仙桃市沔城回族镇。沔城原是沔阳的县城,她的历史,可以上溯到1400多年前南北朝时期的西魏。1952年以前,沔城一直分别是郡、府、路、州、县的治地。在这片古老的土地上,曾经孕育了一代农民领袖陈友谅;曾经诞生了沔阳县第一个共产党小组;曾经走出了周恩来总理办公室主任秘书杨刚。圆形的木楼(原县政府办公楼)记载着她昨日的辉煌,环绕的城垣使人依稀看见她历史的灿烂。沔城,曾有她的繁华市井:城墙巍然屹立,屋宇鳞次栉比,里城外城街道横,方圆十数里;沔城,曾有她的名胜古迹:庙堂瑰丽奇,牌坊座座立,古井到处有,亭阁比比是;沔城,曾有她如画的八景:五峰山色景物幽,三澨波光月影浮;东沼红莲能避暑,西城古柏不知秋;南楼玩月乐逍游,丙穴钓鳅戏 In the middle of the Jianghan Plain, there is a historic city with a long history. She lives in a row in the north of the lake, faces the east Jinghe River in the south, and passes through the belly of Xiangyun Highway, making it extremely convenient for water and land traffic. This is the ancient and young minority town - Xiantao Tancheng Hui town. Gaocheng was originally a county town in Shenyang, and her history dates back to the Western Wei Dynasty in the Northern and Southern Dynasties over 1400 years ago. Before 1952, Tancheng has been the county, prefectures, roads, prefectures and counties. In this ancient land, Chen Youliang, a generation of peasant leaders, has been nurtured; the first communist group was founded in Xingyang County; and Yang Gang, former director of the office of Premier Zhou Enlai, once emerged. Circular wooden floor (former county government office) records her yesterday’s glory, surrounded by the walls of people vaguely see her brilliant history. Tan City, there was her bustling marketplace: the towering walls stand tall, row upon row of buildings, the city outside the city streets horizontal, a radius of dozen; Tan City, had her places of interest: the temple magnificent odd, Yes, pavilion Bibi is; Tan City, there were her picturesque eight King: Wufeng mountain scene secluded, three shades of light on the moon floating; East Red Lotus can summer, Xicheng Cooper I do not know autumn; , C Lo fishing loach opera
随 着 建 筑 施 工 企 业 、 房 地 产 开 发企 业 不 断 兴 旺 , 一 些 建 设 单 位 或 房 地产 企 业 往 往 因 资 金 不 足 急 于 上 马 ,在招 投 标 的 过 程 中 , 导 致
Objective:To construct a eukaryotic expression plasmid pcDNA3.1(-)-Humanin.Methods:The recombinant plasmidpGEMEX-1-Humanin was digested with restriction endonuc