Use of Qishen granule for the treatment of heart failure: A systematic review and meta-analysis of a

来源 :中医科学杂志(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangtian575
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Objective: To evaluate the effect of Qishen granule (QSG) on heart failure (HF) and the potential mech-anisms involved in animal models. Methods: Studies of QSG in animals with HF were identified by searches of eight databases up to August 1, 2019. Two authors independently reviewed each study and the Collaborative Approach to Meta-analysis and Review of Animal Data from Experimental Studies 10-item checklist was used for quality assessment. The primary outcomes were indicators of left ventricular ejection fraction and/or left ven-tricular fractional shortening. The secondary outcome measures were ventricular structure, hemody-namics, myocardial injury-related indicators, and the mechanisms whereby QSG ameliorates HF. A meta-analysis was performed and all the data were analyzed using RevMan 5.3 software. Results: Thirteen studies containing a total of 240 animals met the criteria for the meta-analysis. The quality score of the studies ranged from three to six points. The meta-analysis showed a significant effect of QSG to improve cardiac function, inhibit ventricular remodeling, improve circulation, and attenuate myocardial injury. The possible mechanisms was identified to be suppression of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, which has anti-fibrotic, anti-apoptotic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-oxidative effects in the myocardium, the prevention of calcium overload, and the promotion of myocardial energy metabolism. Conclusion: Our review shows that QSG has a cardioprotective effect in animal models of CHF. However, due to the relatively poor quality of the included studies and the differences between humans and an-imal models, the results should be interpreted with caution.
一、亲和魅力  思想政治理论课教师容易留给学生刻板说教的印象,从而使学生认为课程枯燥乏味,不认真听讲,使得老师的辛勤付出没有收到应有的效果。我从强化教师亲和魅力入手,使教师走下讲台,收到了很好的效果。教师走下讲台,对学生听课情况进行检查,部分走神的同学会因为老师走到身边而回过神来。教师走下讲台,把笑容和期待、鼓励、信任的眼神传递给更多同学,使其感受到老师的关爱,从而认真听讲,教师走下讲台,可以随时
摘 要: 高中历史教师要想不断提高课堂教学成效,打造高效历史课堂,必须立足于学生的学习特点,注重因材施教,创新课堂教学方法,进而不断提高历史课堂教学效率,让学生在轻松愉快的课堂上掌握更多历史知识。本文就如何创建高效历史课堂进行分析,以期给相关教育工作者改进工作以有益借鉴。  关键词: 高中历史教学 高效课堂 创建方法  新课标中要求高中历史教师在历史课堂教学中,充分调动学生学习的积极性和主动性,激
摘 要: 历史的重要作用不言而喻,然而历史学科由于知识量大极易使学生觉得枯燥,进而厌学,提高历史教学的有效性是历史教育教学工作的重点。  关键词: 有效性 高中历史教学 影响因素 提高方法  “以铜为镜,可整衣冠;以人为镜,可知得失;以史为镜,可知兴替矣。”历史了解以史料为主,学习历史,是从中洞悉事物的发展归路,了解事物的发展趋势;学习历史,是以史为鉴,避免再犯类似的错误,避免再次走弯路;学习历史
新课改针对思想政治课教学提出:“思想政治课教学要改变过去的强调接受学习、死记硬背、机械训练的状况,倡导学生主动参与、乐于探究、勤于动手,培养学生搜集和处理信息的能力、获取新知识的能力、分析和解决问题的能力及交流和合作的能力。”在实际的教学过程中,如何体现这一新理念呢?我认为,构建课堂教学情境,在政治课课堂教学中运用“情境串”教学法,能够很好地顺应新课改的要求,体现这一新理念。  “情境串”教学法就
It is a well-established fact that wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are very power constraint networks, but besides this, they are inherently more fault-prone th
摘 要: 怎样的历史课才是一节好的历史课,在新课程理念下,好课的评价标准有所变化,同以往的要求有所不同。作者根据自身教学实践,就一节好的历史课的评价标准进行探讨。  关键词: 历史课 评价标准 教学过程  新课程的评价体系和评价标准已经发生变化,同以往的要求也有所不同。结合教学实际,“一堂好课”应该具有以下几个基本特点:  一、教学目标明确,重难点突出,三维目标清晰。  教师必须明确本堂课的教学重
摘 要: 本文认为,可以在地理课堂教学中、课外活动中、校园文化建设活动中渗透环境教育。  关键词: 高中地理教学 环境教育 渗透途径  随着社会的进步和发展,人类和自然的矛盾日益显现,并直接威胁到人类的生存和发展,环境问题已经引起国际社会的普遍关注。在高中学校教育中,地理学科以其知识结构和特殊功能决定了它是对学生开展环境教育的主要途径。因此,通过高中地理教学向学生渗透环保理念,增强学生的环保意识,