大洋钻探计划已恢复了实质性的钻探成果的公布。报告的中断 ,是由于该工作被新的光盘传播媒体形式取代。让我们回忆一下 ,在 60年代末创建的“地球深部取样海洋研究所联合会”( JOIDES) ,起初联合了若干美国的研究所 ,而当今有包括来自 2 0个国家的大量科研机构参加。前苏联参
The Ocean Drilling Program has resumed the announcement of a substantial drilling result. The report was interrupted as a result of the work being replaced by a new CD-ROM media. Let us recall that JOIDES, founded in the late 1960s, initially joined several U.S. research institutes, and today there are a large number of scientific institutions, including 20 from countries. Former Soviet Union