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“请把民族改成国内!”姜广智话音刚落,刘博、雷军便连连称是。姜广智是“官”,他是北京软件产业促进中心的主任;刘博、雷军则是“民”,他们分别是红旗 LINUX 和金山公司的总裁。在主题为“民族软件产业路在何方”媒体研讨会上,姜广智第一句话就明确了国内软件产业的定性问题。民族一词相对来说是狭隘的,我们不能把一个国际化的东西民族化,以前说的民族软件应该叫国产软件才是。在国家是否应该扶持国产软件的问题上,外界争议一直未断。反对扶持的一方认为,政府应该完全退出市场,绝不干涉市场行为,既然中国已经加入 WTO,就应该符合国际潮流,对外对内采取同样的立场,而不应该给国内的软件厂商有任何的倾斜政策。支持国家扶持的一方则说,国内软件公司不受政府保护的话,后果将不堪设想,把国内软件厂商与国外公司放在同一平台 “Please change the nation into a domestic one!” Jiang Guangzhi’s voice just fell. Liu Bo and Lei Jun said it was one after another. Jiang Guangzhi is an “official”. He is the director of the Beijing Software Industry Promotion Center; Liu Bo and Lei Jun are “people”. They are the presidents of Red Flag LINUX and Kingsoft. At the media symposium on the theme of “Where is the road to national software industry?”, Jiang Guangzhi’s first sentence clarified the issue of the qualitative nature of the domestic software industry. The term “nationality” is relatively narrow. We cannot nationalize an internationalized thing. The previously mentioned national software should be called domestic software. In the question of whether the country should support domestic software, external disputes have not been broken. The party that opposes support believes that the government should completely withdraw from the market and never interfere in market behavior. Since China has joined the WTO, it should conform to the international trend and take the same position internally, instead of giving domestic software companies any inclination. policy. The party that supports the national support said that if the domestic software companies are not protected by the government, the consequences would be disastrous. Put the domestic software vendors on the same platform as foreign companies.
梅县方圆百里四乡十七村,没人不知道鼎鼎大名的邹半仙。邹半仙今年五十八了,祖上传下来一套算命看相风水转运的绝活,据说乾隆年间,连宫里的达官贵人都曾经慕名而来,让邹家的祖先帮着改运。  因为破四旧,邹家消沉过一阵子,不敢继续在县城里明目张胆地摆摊算命。不过这几年,有钱的人越来越多,而且越有钱就越迷信。看到其他的铁板神算、风水大师们都混得风生水起,邹半仙看得心痒难捱,也重操起了旧业。  还别说,有祖上的
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去年“9.11”事件后,维护、修理和大修(MRO) 业开始突显出来,维修供应商正瞄准这场激烈的 商业竞争气候,加强资产管理以获得和维持稳定收入 流。 过去的七个月里,全球航空公