沧州炼油厂高度重视安全生产、常抓不懈,为借全国首次设立的“全国安全生产月”活动的东风,促进本企业安全工作进一步上台阶,在6月份安全生产月到来之前,未雨绸缪、严密组织,制定了多项措施以确保安全月活动收到实效。 1.以沧分公司[2002]安环字7号下发了《关于立即开展安全大检查活动的通知》,成立了以黄焯明厂长为组长的安全大检查领导小组和以主管副经理为组长的安全大检查工作小组,各基层单位领导也亲自挂帅,成立专门组织,层层制定了周密的计划。
Cangzhou Refinery attaches great importance to production safety and always persevere in order to take advantage of the first “national month of safe production” activities set up in the country and promote the safety of the enterprise to a higher level. Before the arrival of the month of production safety in June, , A number of measures have been put in place to ensure that the month of safety activities are effective. 1. Cangsan Branch [2002] On the 7th issued an “on the immediate safety inspection activities,” the establishment of a Huang Zhuoming director of safety inspection team led by the leading group and the deputy manager is Leader of the security inspection team, the leaders of all grassroots units are also personally in command, the establishment of specialized organizations, developed a well-conceived plan.