
来源 :企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shuixi000
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最近,国家经委、全国总工会、中国企业管理协会和中国人民大学举办了“全国企业管理基础工作专题研究班”,对企业管理基础工作进行了初步探讨。研究班同志认为,企业管理基础工作是企业管理的重要组成部分,是在组织社会化大生产、进行科学管理实践中产生的。三十多年来,我们摸索到了一条规律:基础工作的完善程度,直接关系着企业管理水平的高低和经济效益的好坏。企业要搞好生产,提高经济效益,没有坚实的基础工作是不行的,不然即使一时搞上去了,也难以得到巩固和发展。有些先进企业管理水平不断 Recently, the State Economic Commission, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, the China Enterprise Management Association, and the People’s University of China held the “National Research Task Group on Enterprise Management Basic Work” to conduct a preliminary discussion on the basic work of enterprise management. Comrades in the research class believe that the basic work of enterprise management is an important part of enterprise management and is produced in the organization of large-scale social production and scientific management practices. For more than 30 years, we have found a law: the degree of perfection of the basic work is directly related to the level of business management and the economic efficiency. It is impossible for enterprises to do a good job in production and improve economic efficiency. Without solid foundation work, it will be impossible to consolidate and develop even if it is done on a temporary basis. Some advanced companies have a constant level of management
走进商场,我看见高高低低的架子上摆着各种颜色、各种形状的靴子,有乳白色的,有粉红色的,有杏黄色的,还有淡紫色的……真让人眼花 Into the mall, I saw high and low shelv
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实施以提高质量为中心的管理 深挖节能节材潜力济南第二机床厂膝东昌1994年在全国机床行业市场普遍不景气的情况下,我厂克服了前所未有的市场激烈竞争、严重困扰企业生产经营的“
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国务院各有关部门,各省、自治区、直辖市建委(建设厅),各计划单列市建委,新疆生产建设兵团: 根据国务院《建设工程质量管理条例》和我部建标[2000]31号文要求,我们会同有关
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