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春运票价“禁浮令”一出,社会广泛关注,各界反响不一。同乡乘客一致欢迎、奔走相告,运输企业忧虑重重、慨叹前途无望,地方政府谨慎应对、不敢怠慢,媒体纷纷报道、关注运输。本刊立即组织力量进行追踪,发现春运不涨价的根本动因,并非外界所言的纯属惠民新政,而实际上是运输市场竞争的历史必然,是公铁运输能力大幅度提高的必然结果,是政府实现角色转变的结果。那么,道路客运企业的经营成本到底有多高?票价不加成政策对企业影响到底有多火?企业对目前的票价管理政策又有何意见呢?带着这些问题,本刊调查组对广东、江苏、浙江、四川等地的道路客运企业进行了调研,希望借数据来深入反映新规定所带来的影响。同时,记者发现,通过这次不涨价延伸出不少新问题,需要政府来大抓特抓,比如车票黄牛愈演愈烈、政府合理定价机制缺陷、运输各方的利益权衡困难、决策机制不够透明…… Spring Festival fares “ban floating order ” a social concern, different repercussions. Passengers unanimously welcomed the fellow citizens, running around with warning, transport companies worried, lamenting the future hopeless, the local government cautious response, not neglect, the media have reported, concerned about transport. The magazine immediately organized forces to track down and found that the fundamental motive of spring prices do not rise, not the outside world is purely Huimin New Deal, but in fact the history of the transport market competition is inevitable, is the inevitable result of a substantial increase in the ability of public transport , Is the result of the government’s role change. So, the operating costs of road passenger transport companies in the end how high? Fares do not increase the impact of policies on the business in the end how fire? Businesses on the current fare management policies and what are the views? With these questions, the survey team The road passenger transport enterprises in Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Sichuan conducted a survey and hoped to use the data to deeply reflect the impact of the new regulations. At the same time, the reporter found that this does not extend prices to extend a number of new issues, the government needs to grasp the grasping, such as ticket cattle intensified, the government rational pricing mechanism flaws, the interests of all parties involved in the trade-off difficulties, decision-making mechanism is not transparent enough ... ...
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