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反诉制度是各国民事诉讼法都明确规定的一项重要制度。一般而言反诉是指在已经开始的本诉的民事诉讼程序中,本诉的被告以其原告为被告,向受诉法院提出的与本诉有牵连的独立的反请求。从性质上来讲,是一种独立的诉。长期的司法实践暴露出我国反诉制度在立法规定、司法实践中的不健全,因为反诉制度的不健全,导致了人民法院审理案件时操作标准不一致,被告的合法民事实体权益和诉讼权利得不到切实的保障。我国反诉制度的现状为我国理论界进一步完善和构建合理的反诉制度提出了迫切要求。本文首先介绍了我国反诉制度;其次对我国反诉制度的现状进行了概述;最后就我国反诉制度的合理建构从立法和司法两个方面进行了进一步的阐述,以求抛砖引玉,为我国民事反诉制度的健全和完善起到积极的推动作用。 The counterclaim system is an important system that is clearly stipulated in the civil procedural laws of various countries. In general, counterclaim refers to the independent counterclaim made by the defendant of the plaintiff as the defendant to the Court of Appeal that is implicated in the present lawsuit in the civil proceedings that have already started. By nature, is an independent complaint. Long-term judicial practice has revealed that the counterclaim system in our country is not perfect in the legislation and judicial practice because the counterclaim system is not perfect, which leads to inconsistent operating standards when the people’s court handles the case, the defendant’s rights of legal civil entity and litigation rights can not be obtained Practical protection. The status quo of China’s counterclaim system put forward urgent requirements for further improvement of our theoretical circle and the construction of a reasonable counterclaim system. This article first introduces the counterclaim system of our country; secondly, it gives an overview of the current situation of the counterclaim system in our country; finally elaborates the reasonable construction of the counterclaim system in our country from two aspects of legislation and judicature in order to promote the counterclaim system of our country Sound and perfect play a positive role in promoting.
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