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大地园林化、园林生态化是现代园林发展的主题,以景观生态学基质—廊道—斑块理论为指导,通过适宜的生态恢复途径,才能构建出可持续发展的区域绿地系统;遵循潜生植被理论,按照群落演替规律,发展乡土园林植物苗圃,结合土壤种子库技术,通过生态恢复途径,构建适宜的地带性植被,形成具有地域特色的合理的植物群落,才能创造出良好的景观结构,发挥其生态系统的各类服务功能,合理实现绿地系统的功能分区,才能形成具有鲜明地方特色的可持续发展的现代园林;保护和利用城乡各类生境,遵循适地适树生态原则,适度应用外来观赏植物,丰富生物多样性和城乡景观,突显人文要素,控制杂草以及群落演替过程,才能真正创造出“源于自然,高于自然”的优美景观,构建好人与自然和谐发展的“自然”美景——“天人合一”的现代园林;关注入侵生物防治,加强园林绿地监测管理,恢复生态系统最佳服务功能,才能构建好人与自然持续和谐发展的健康园林,才能走好大地园林化之路;生态恢复已经发展成现代园林不可缺少的磐石支柱。 With the guidance of landscape ecology matrix - corridor - plaque theory, through the appropriate way of ecological restoration, the sustainable development of regional green space system can be constructed by the earth garden and the ecological garden is the theme of the development of modern gardens; According to the theory of vegetation, according to the law of community succession, the development of local garden plant nursery, combined with soil seed bank technology, through the ecological restoration approach, the construction of suitable zonal vegetation, the formation of a reasonable flora with regional characteristics in order to create a good landscape structure , Give full play to all kinds of service functions of its ecological system and realize the functional zoning of green space system reasonably to form a sustainable modern landscape garden with distinctive local characteristics; protect and utilize all kinds of habitats in urban and rural areas; Application of exotic ornamental plants, rich biodiversity and urban and rural landscape, highlighting human factors, weeds and community succession process can we truly create a beautiful landscape of “from nature, above nature,” and build a harmonious human and nature Development of “natural” beauty - “harmony between man and nature” of the modern garden; concerned about invasive biological control, strengthen the garden green Monitoring and management, restoration of the best ecosystem services, can we build a healthy and harmonious development of man and nature garden, in order to take the road of the earth garden; ecological restoration has become an indispensable rock-solid pillar of modern gardens.
目的评价小剂量系统性糖皮质激素+沙利度胺治疗口咽部重型阿弗他溃疡(MjAU)的效果。方法 92例顽固性口咽部MjAU患者分成两组,治疗组50例,采用小剂量系统性糖皮质激素联合口服
介绍了近年来在纳米 CdS 合成与制备领域的一些最新研究进展,包括 CdS 纳米微粒的制备及其应用方面的研究。 Some recent research progresses in the synthesis and prepar
1 前言柴油机各缸相位角的检查阳调整,无论是在柴油机总装、性能调试以及大修过程中是必然遇到的一项工作。本文所介绍的是应用一种简易的列表计算法确定各缸相位角所对应的