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目的了解湖北省疾病预防控制机构人力资源情况,为各级卫生行政部门和疾控机构提供决策参考。方法通过国家疾病预防控制基本信息系统收集2011年湖北省各级疾病预防控制中心的人员基本信息,应用Excel对数据进行统计分析。结果 2011年湖北省级疾病预防控制中心在职人员数共有7 637人,其中省级440人,地市级疾病预防控制中心在职人员数共有1 704人,地市级平均人数142人;县区级疾病预防控制中心在职人员数共有5 493人,县区级平均人数73人。年龄主要分布在25~54岁,占总人数的90.78%;省级疾控人员以研究生、本科学历为主,占本级总人数的73.14%,地市级疾控人员以本科、大专学历为主,占本级总人数的66.03%,县区级疾控人员以大专、中专学历为主,占本级总人数的72.06%;省级疾控人员职称以高、中级为主,占本级总人数的65.91%,地市和县区级疾控人员职称以中、初级为主,分别占本级总人数的63.56%和57.12%;从事传染病预防控制和卫生检验的人员比例较高,从事慢性病防控的人员比例较低。结论湖北省各级疾病预防控制中心人力资源的差距较大,县、市级人员专业素质较低,人员结构不合理,应通过制定合理人才政策,加强人才培养,营造良好环境,完善人才评价体系和使用机制等手段,优化人员配置结构,提高县、市级疾控机构专业人员素质。 Objective To understand the human resources of disease prevention and control institutions in Hubei Province and provide decision-making reference for health administrative departments and disease control agencies at all levels. Methods The basic information system of disease control and prevention in Hubei Province was collected from the basic information system of disease control and prevention in 2011. The data were statistically analyzed by Excel. Results Hubei Province Center for Disease Control and Prevention in 2011 a total of 7 637 serving officers, of which 440 provincial-level, prefectural CDC a total of 1 704 serving staff, the average number of municipal-level people; county level There are a total of 5 493 staff in the CDC and an average of 73 in the county level. The age mainly distributed in the 25 to 54 years old, accounting for 90.78% of the total number; provincial CDC personnel with graduate, undergraduate education mainly accounted for 73.14% of the total number of people, municipal CDC personnel to undergraduate and tertiary education The main account for 66.03% of the total number of county-level CDC personnel, mainly college, secondary education, accounting for 72.06% of the total number of the level; provincial disease control personnel titles to high and intermediate-based, accounting for 65.91% of the total population, and prefectural and district CDCs have intermediate and junior primary titles, accounting for 63.56% and 57.12% respectively of the total population. The proportion of people engaged in prevention, control and hygiene inspection of infectious diseases is high , A lower proportion of people engaged in prevention and control of chronic diseases. Conclusions There is a wide gap between human resources in CDC centers at all levels in Hubei Province. The professional qualifications of county and municipal officials are low and the personnel structure is irrational. It is necessary to formulate a reasonable talent policy, strengthen personnel training, create a good environment and improve the talent evaluation system And the use of mechanisms and other means to optimize the staffing structure and improve the quality of professionals in county and municipal CDC institutions.
在加工英制内螺纹时,其内径尺寸需查手册,甚感不便。现推荐简便计算公式:d_1=25.4d_0-(32.523)/n式中:d_1 内径(mm);d_0——公称直径(in);n——每英寸的螺 In the processi
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[摘 要] 针对目前国内高校图书馆学科导航建设现状及共存在的问题,本文就学科导航建设提出了,一些新思维。这些新思维包括联合学科专家参与资源的选择、依托Blog平台开展交流、开展多层次学科导航建设、利用学科优势开展馆际合作等。  [关键词] 学科导航;高校图书馆;学科优势    据联合国教科文组织统计,目前各种形式的信息正呈几何级数激增,许多有利用价值的信息被大量无用的信息所淹没,使得信息需求者无法
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