Heat Transfer Efficiency Evaluation for Outward and Inward Multi-Flame-Hole Gas Burner

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:youkangstrong
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The purpose of this study is to understand the factor that influence the heating efficiency of the outward and inward multi-hole gas burner. The flame-hole angle and the distance from flame hole to heating object are chosen as the experimental parameters. The measurement of the flame temperature distribution is carried out on each experimental condition. The observation of combustion flame, by the Schlieren method, is done from the purpose to understand the combustion phenomenon on the heating efficiency. LPG (Liquefied petroleum gas) is used for the test fuel gas. The compositions of LPG are propane 97.5vol%, butane 0.2vol% and methane + ethylene 2.3vol%. The optimum ranges of the flame-hole angle and the distance from flame hole to heating object are clarified. The experimental correlation equations for the outward and inward multi-flame-hole gas burner are proposed. The purpose of this study is to understand the factor that influence that heating efficiency of the outward and inward multi-hole gas burner. The flame-hole angle and the distance from flame hole to heating object are chosen as the experimental parameters. The observation of combustion flame, by the Schlieren method, is done from the purpose to understand the combustion phenomenon on the heating efficiency. LPG (Liquefied petroleum gas) is used for the test fuel The compositions of LPG are propane 97.5 vol%, butane 0.2 vol% and methane + ethylene 2.3 vol%. The optimum ranges of the flame-hole angle and the distance from the flame hole to the heating object are clarified. The experimental correlation equations for the outward and inward multi-flame-hole gas burner are proposed.
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