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recognize 是动词,意为“认可;辨认;认出来”  【经典例句】  The moment I picked up the phone, I recognized his voice. 我一拿起电话就听出了他的声音。  I recognize that I am not fit for the job. 我认识到我不适合这个工作。  Line up these men and see if t
Puff-the-Ball hasnt got parents. He wants to have friends. One day he goes out to look for friends. He walks on and on.  He sees a Cat. He says:“Hello, Pussy! Im looking for a friend. Do you want to b
澳大利亚:1月26日澳大利亚日(Australia Day)  新西兰:2月6日国庆日(New Zealand-Waitangi Day)  意大利:6月2日共和国成立日( Italy-Foundation of the Republic)  英国:每年靠近6月11日的星期六國庆日(the United Kingdom National Day)  加拿大:7月1日加拿大日(Canada Day)
Sumo wrestling is a traditional Japanese sport. It is very popular now in Japan. There are six matches every year there. Sumo wrestlers are superstars. They make lots of money. They live in very nice
When I grow up, what shall I be?  A sailor sailing on the sea?  Or shall I be a soldier bold1,  And always do as I am told?  A pilot flying in the sea?  Above the clouds away up high?  A postman who d
ignore是动词,意为“不理睬;忽视”。  【经典例句】  I said hello to her, but she ignored me completely. 我向她打招呼,可是她根本不理我。  My advice was completely ignored. 我的建议完全被忽视了。  He ignores the doctor's advice and goes on the smoki
【词语精讲】  1. meat n.  meat是不可数名词,意为“肉”。例如:  There is some meat in the basket. 篮子里有一些肉。  【友情提示】 表示“肉”的不可数名词还有:mutton羊肉;beef 牛肉;pork 猪肉;chicken鸡肉等。例如:  I want to have beef noodles for lunch. 午饭我想吃牛肉面。  2.
第一部分:聽力部分 (15分)  第一节:  听下面五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(5分)  1. What are Toby's favorite animals?  A. Pandas. B. Lions. C. Tigers.  2. What are the speakers probably doing?  A. Waiting
get along / on with意為“与某人相处;某事进展(如何)”。  【经典例句】  He could not get along with anybody. 他跟谁都合不来。  I am sure you would get along very well with him. 我相信你一定会跟他相处得很好。  My work's getting along much better no
calm 可作动词、形容词和名词。作动词时意为“(使)平静;(使)镇定”,作形容词时意为“平静的;镇定的”,作名词时意为“平静;宁静”。  【经典例句】  Charlie tried to calm the frightened children. 查理努力安抚受惊的孩子们。  He can always keep calm, whatever happens. 不论发生什么事情,他总能保持镇静。
command 可作名词和动词,意为“命令;指令;掌握”。  【经典例句】  The policeman commanded that the thief (should) hand in what he had stolen. 警察命令那个小偷交上他所偷的东西。  The police arrived and took command of the situation. 警察到达后就控制了局势。