Chan and Neo—Confucian Discourse Records (Yulu) in Comparative Perspective

来源 :国际儒学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chaosmoon
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Introduction Yulu 语录 discourse records represent an important Chinese literary genre.Through the format of discourse records,yulu introduced a new and direct style of teaching that challenged the cumbersome exegetical styles of interpretation that preceded it.It ushered in a new literary medi- um that transformed the way traditional teachings were understood and presented.It revised the very notion of what constituted classic texts and Introduction Yulu Quotations discourse records represent an important Chinese literary genre.Through the format of discourse records, yulu introduced a new and direct style of teaching that challenged the cumbersome exegetical styles of interpretation that preceded it. It ushered in a new literary medi- um that transformed the way traditional teachings were understood and presented.It revised the very notion of what comprised classic texts and
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一个成功的人生传奇 小时候,李阳只是一个普通的孩子。他害羞、内向、不敢见陌生人、不敢接电话、不敢去看电影,甚至做理疗时仪器漏电灼伤了脸也不敢出声……1986年李阳考进远在大