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  8月23日上午,由新华文轩出版传媒股份有限公司、四川天地出版社主办的“中—英《红船》版权签约仪式”在2017北京国际图书博览会举行。现场,新华文轩出版传媒股份有限公司与英国新经典出版社总经理Farough Khodadadi(霍法如)签订了《红船》一书的英文版协议书。这部由浙江作家黄亚洲写作的主题图书《红船》即将“驶”入英国,向世界讲述中国故事。

  正因为《红船》是一部精心打造的内涵丰富的作品,所以吸引了英国出版方的关注。英国新经典出版社总经理Farough Khodadadi(霍法如)表示,对于一个西方读者来说,了解红船精神,就掌握了打开中国发展之谜的一把钥匙。这也是他们为何对《红船》非常感兴趣的原因。

  ‘Red Boat’ Surfing into the UK
  By Li Yuehong
  The copyright contract signing ceremony of famous writer Huang Yazhou’s new book was held at the Beijing International Book Fair on August 23, 2017. The ceremony was hosted by the Xinhua Winshare Publishing and Media Co., Ltd. and Tiandi Publishing House. The deal was sealed by Winshare Publishing and Media and Mr. Farough Khodadadi, GM of New Classic Press.
  The inspiration of the publishing of the book is President Xi Jinping’s 5,000-word article featured on the Guangming Daily back in June, 2005. In the article, Xi summarized the core of the ‘Red Boat spirit’ as “pioneering, enterprising and dedication” and pointed out that the ‘Red Boat’ is the root of the Chinese revolutionary spirit.
  Making its debut in 2016, the book is the first literary attempt to recount the birth of the Chinese Communist Party in the form of a novel, appealing to a modern Chinese audience too sophisticated to swallow a simplistic rendering of history. The book retells the tale of the Communist ascendancy and triumph in the stormy period from 1919 to 1928. With the plot set in a cycle of historical events including the May 4th Movement, the birth of the Party, the first Kuomingtang-Communist Party cooperation, the Northern Expedition (1926-1927), Zhongshan Warship Incident, the ‘April 12’ counter-revolutionary coup, Nanchang Uprising, the Autumn Harvest Uprising, and the come-together of the Red Army in Jinggang Mountain, the novel presents unique literary richness and historical profundity. The publishing of the book is also the crystallization of about 20 years of painstaking effort of the author.   “Huang Yazhou is from Zhejiang Province, and worked in Jiaxing – the birthplace of the Chinese Communist Party, for years. He visited the South Lake in Jiaxing multiple times to follow the footprints of the revolutionary trailblazers, talking to the locals for firsthand materials and looking up for information in libraries and local archives,” Mr. Yang Zheng, representing Sichuan-based Tiandi Publishing House, revealed at the contract-signing ceremony.
  It is the book’s literary mellowness and depth achieved so painstakingly that caught the eye of the New Classic Press.
  “For the majority of the western readers, the ‘Red Boat spirit’ is the key to a better understanding of not only China’s revolutionary past but also the country’s modern present and immeasurable future; and that’s the most important reason behind the cooperation,” explained Mr. Farough Khodadadi, GM of New Classic Press.
  According to He Zhiyong, President of Xichuan Xinhua Publishing Group and Xinhua Winshare Publishing and Media Co., Ltd., the publishing of the English version of the book in the UK has enormous significance in today’s ‘cultural export’ context.
  “This is a good start, and we are looking forward to seeing more ‘China stories’ shared globally,” said He Zhiyong at the ceremony in Beijing.
本文扼要介绍了精密机床切削工况监控技术及其智能监控的发展趋势,并提出了解决其技术问题的若干方法。 This article briefly introduces the cutting machine condition mo