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企业是一个经营实体,企业文化是企业员工在长期生产经营活动中形成的一套观念、信念、价值和行为规则,以及由此导致的行为模式。“文化,不仅仅包含知识、技术、管理、情操,也包含了一切促进生产力发展的无形因素。”随着各项制度改革和机制创新工作的不断深化,如何让企业和员工适应改革与竞争,加强企业文化建设,培育职工的崇高价值观念和富于开拓的精神气质,形成企业独特的经营理念和文化建设是当前管理者要做的重要工作之一。一、通过企业文化建设,在企业中建立激励和约束相结合的经营机制 Enterprise is a business entity, and corporate culture is a set of concepts, beliefs, values ​​and rules of conduct formed by employees in long-term production and operation activities and the resulting patterns of behavior. Culture includes not only knowledge, technology, management and sentiment, but also all the intangible factors that promote the development of productive forces. "With the continuous deepening of various system reforms and institutional innovations, how can enterprises and employees be adapted to reform and Competition, strengthening the building of enterprise culture, nurturing the noble values ​​of workers and pioneering spirit of openness, the formation of a unique business philosophy and cultural construction is one of the important tasks managers should do. First, through the building of enterprise culture, the establishment of incentives and constraints in the business combination of mechanisms
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