建设和谐文化 培育忠诚卫士——武警部队文化建设巡礼

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多年来,武警部队党委始终把听党指挥、服务人民、英勇善战作为部队思想政治建设的永恒主题,作为和谐文化建设的崇高使命,大力加强警营文化建设,有力地促进了官兵全面素质的提高,对增强部队凝聚力、战斗力,推动部队建设发挥了重要作用。铸牢警魂意识,创新培育忠诚卫士的文化载体武警部队文化建设坚持弘扬主旋律,唱响正气歌,切实铸牢听党指挥的警魂意识,创新培育忠诚卫士的文化载体,努力使“永远做党和人民的忠诚卫士”活动代代相传。在重新修订忠诚卫士教材,颁发《忠诚卫士誓词》、《忠诚卫士守则》的基础上,2005年,总部政治部组织创作了爱党卫国、爱警习武、护法遵纪、忠于职守、坚贞气节、维护团结等组成的《忠诚卫十组歌》。《人民武警报》专版刊载组歌词曲,业务部门制作下发组歌光盘,在宣传文化信息网开辟组歌网站,为广大官兵开展学唱活动提供系统配套的文字、声像资料。各级领导深入基层宣讲,组织歌唱演员下部队教唱,通过广泛深入地开展通讯赛、网络赛、演唱赛,使学唱活动得到了迅速普及。各单位业余文工团(队)采取多种形式,把组歌创排成文艺节目,以生动形象 Over the years, the Armed Police Forces’ party committees have always taken the command of the CPC, serve the people and bravely fought fiercely as the eternal theme of the ideological and political construction of the armed forces. As the lofty mission of building a harmonious culture, they vigorously promoted the building of a police camp culture and effectively promoted the overall quality of officers and soldiers Has played an important role in enhancing the cohesion and fighting capacity of the armed forces and in promoting the building of the army. Culmination of Soul and Soul Consciousness, and Cultivation of a Loyal Guard Culture Carrier The Armed Police Force Cultural Building adheres to the principle of promoting the main theme, sang the righteous spirit song, earnestly cast the awareness of the soul of the police soul under the command of the party, and nurtured the cultural carrier of the loyal guards, and strive to make “forever Be honest guardian of the party and the people. ”Activities are handed down from generation to generation. On the basis of revising loyal guard textbooks, issuing the “Allegiance Guardian Vows” and “Loyal Guard Code”, in 2005, the headquarters political department organized and created a series of programs including loving the party and guarding the country, loving police and martial arts, Integrity, integrity and other components of the “loyalty Wei ten songs.” The “People’s Armed Police” special edition contains song lyrics and the business department produces and distributes song CDs. It has opened up a website for group songs in the propaganda and culture information network and provided system supporting texts and audio-video materials for the officers and men to carry out singing and singing activities. Leaders at all levels in-depth preach at the grassroots level, organized the singer singing team under the unit, through extensive and in-depth communication competition, network competitions, singing competitions, singing and dancing activities have been rapidly universal. Amateur artistes of various units (teams) to take various forms, the group song arranged into literary programs, with a vivid image
提高我军对新的战争形态和作战方式的适应能力,必须深刻认识信息化条件下战争的新特征。那么,未来信息作战出现了哪些显著变化呢? To improve our army’s ability to adapt
举世关注的“和平使命-2005”中俄联合军事演习,于8月18日至25日 在俄罗斯境内的海参威和中国山东境内的青岛.潍北地区进行,中俄两国军队近 万名将士参加了演习。此次演习的目
【素材点拨】身體上的缺陷并不可怕,可怕的是为此怨天尤人、自甘堕落。胡凤莲虽身有残疾,却不因残疾而放弃,对生活充满热爱和向往。她展现出来的坚强、乐观的心态不仅是所有残疾人学习的楷模,也是所有身体健全的人学习的榜样。  【适用文题】乐观/自力更生/身残志坚  今年50岁的胡凤莲出生在广西龙胜各族自治县江底乡围子村,她在6个月大时不慎被烧伤,只能靠膝盖跪着走路。但她身残志不残,在丈夫离家出走后,她跪着种